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Powassan Virus in CT, What to Know

Posted by Mosquito Squad

July 14, 2022

Summer in Connecticut is both a blessing and a curse for those of us who like to spend time outdoors. Despite the pleasant weather, we are assaulted by legions of dangerous insects every year, directly threatening our health and our outdoor living experiences. Unfortunately, ticks are included in the list of unsavory creatures that are found throughout the outdoors in our part of the world, which is concerning for a few reasons. Ticks are one of the most common parasitic animals in the United States, feeding on unsuspecting victims throughout the country. In the Northeast, ticks are especially bad this time of year, not only due to their prevalence but also because of the dangerous diseases they carry.

Why is Portland tick control vital?

Famously, ticks are the carriers of Lyme disease, which was discovered in Connecticut. Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne disease in the U.S., infecting an estimated 300,000 to 400,000 people every year, and many of these infections originate from our region. Although this pathogen typically snags the headlines, another virus may be on the rise in the Northeast, and it can be lethal. The disease in question is called Powassan virus, and it was responsible for the passing of a CT woman in the last month. What makes this virus so dangerous? Powassan virus is frightening for a few reasons, including the fact that there is no cure for the ailment. This disease can cause swelling of the brain called encephalitis. With no cure, the best that medical professionals can do is try to ameliorate symptoms by providing fluids or respiratory support. As you can imagine, diseases that affect the nervous system are not to be taken lightly, and Powassan virus lands firmly in the category of “To be avoided.” Fortunately, tick control from professionals is a great way to ensure you and your family are defended this summer and fall.

Your source for Portland tick control

Ticks are a huge problem in Connecticut, but not for Mosquito Squad. Since 2005, we’ve worked tirelessly to defend our clients against the threats that ticks pose to our health and outdoor living experience. With the help of our highly trained technicians and our tick barrier protection treatments, we can guarantee a dramatic decline in the tick population on your property. Lasting for up to three weeks at a time, our treatments only need to be reapplied every two to three weeks to ensure you are defended throughout the summer and fall. Don’t let ticks ruin your outdoor lifestyle this season!

Powassan virus is in CT, so it is important to stay prepared. For Portland tick control proven to get results, look no further than Mosquito Squad of Hartford. Give us a call at (860) 356-3953.

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