Optimize Your Mosquito Protection in Hartford, CT
Posted by Mosquito Squad
May 21, 2024

With warm weather comes outdoor barbecues, patio parties, swimming and water recreation, and unfortunately…mosquito season. The annoyingly constant impulse to swat mosquitoes and scratch bites is enough to rain on anyone’s parade. Mosquito Squad of Hartford is ready and willing to help ensure that your outdoor gatherings are nothing but sunshine, good times, and memories this spring and summer.
Mosquito Control Methods
At Mosquito Squad, we believe in covering all our bases when it comes to mosquito control and protection. Not only will trusting our barrier treatment services help keep your space healthy and comfortable, but coupled with all or a few of the following personal practices, it will keep spirits high as you and your loved ones enjoy your outdoor space and mitigate your chances of contracting mosquito-borne illnesses. Here are a few approaches to maximizing mosquito protection this year.
Personal Treatment
First and foremost, citronella candles, fans, and essential oils are wonderful repellants when it comes to helping protect yourself from being attacked by mosquitoes. Citronella candles work best when placed on porch tables or on tiki torches around the perimeter of a patio. Mosquitoes are weak fliers, so box fans or porch ceiling fans are effective small-space repellent methods as well. Finally, essential oils such as lemon, eucalyptus, lavender, cinnamon, thyme, and tea tree oils are all great options that can be applied directly to your skin, typically with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil, jojoba oil, or argan oil.
Mosquito traps are another great option for mitigating the swarm. Additionally, you can even create effective DIY traps from household items you probably have laying around.
Yeast & Sugar Traps
You will need:
- Empty 2-liter plastic bottle
- Granulated white sugar
- Yeast
- Water
- Black cloth or handkerchief
After you’ve collected all your materials, start by cutting the top off of your plastic bottle–just below the neck of the container. In your 2-liter bottle, mix together 4 tablespoons of sugar, 1 cup of warm water, and ⅓ tablespoon of yeast.
Flip over the cut-off portion of the bottle, forming a funnel. Place this piece, inverted, into the open top of your plastic bottle and firmly seal the edges with tape or glue so that no bugs can slip through the cracks. Finally, wrap the bottle in your black cloth–the dark color helps attract the mosquitoes. Refill your trap with sugar and yeast every few days.
Box Fan Trap
As we mentioned before, mosquitoes have very fragile and weak wings, making it difficult for them to fight against swiftly moving air. For this wind trap, all you need is a box fan and a mesh screen.
- Attach your mesh screen to the backside of your box fan.
- Turn the fan on–as air moves through it, it will suck in nearby mosquitoes.
- Periodically, clean the mesh screen to make sure the backside of your fan does not become blocked.
Barrier Treatments from Mosquito Squad
Finally, our pride and joy and, by far, the most effective means of mosquito protection amongst everything on our list. Mosquito Squad professionals developed a protective barrier treatment blend nearly 20 years ago and have successfully achieved positive results for more than 300,000 families and commercial properties nationwide. Our protective barrier spray reduces up to 85-90% of mosquitoes in a treated area and lasts for up to 21 days. We offer regular, recurring spray services to keep mosquitoes at bay or a two-time special event treatment that keeps the swarms away from a special outdoor gathering.
In addition to our traditional mosquito protection blend, we offer a natural mosquito control option as well. This is an essential oil-based concoction that minimizes mosquitoes on your property for up to 21 days. It works great and it smells amazing!
If you’re ready to learn more about mosquito protection options, get in touch with Mosquito Squad of Hartford, CT. We’d love to talk to you about your pest control needs and will give you a free quote over the phone. Contact us today!