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Mosquito Season is Over; How to Prepare for Next Season

Posted by Mosquito Squad

October 3, 2022

The minuscule mosquitoes that plague our outdoor lifestyles during the summer have finally subsided, giving way to a nearly insect-free autumn. Cooler weather signals the end of the typical mosquito season, which lasts from as early as April until October, depending on the weather. With warmer temperatures taking hold across the nation, mosquitoes remain active for longer than we might expect, which means we already need to look ahead to next spring to defend against mosquitoes. Why are mosquitoes such an issue, though?

As you already know, mosquitoes are almost universally disliked due to their ability to annoy and pester us to no end. Despite their tiny size, mosquitoes are surprisingly complex creatures. Not to say they are intelligent by our definition, but they have a highly developed sensory system that allows them to identify prey from more than 30 feet away. How do they do this? The first sense mosquitoes rely on is their ability to track the emission of carbon dioxide, which almost all animals emit when conducting respiration.

Simsbury mosquito control is an important defense

When mosquitoes first sense C02, they then commence searching for the source, and this is when their infrared senses come into play. Mosquitoes can see heat, and we appear as big orange targets in their vision. Finally, if a mosquito isn’t sure you’re a source of blood, they will approach closely and feel you emitting heat, their final targeting criteria. It is very difficult to keep a mosquito away from you, which is why mosquito control is so important. While highly effective, a single mosquito control treatment can’t defend you for long. Only with consistent applications will mosquito control keep these insects away. So, when hints of spring start to show themselves next year, remember to consult your mosquito control professionals. By applying mosquito control before mosquitoes come out in force, you have a greater chance of keeping these insects from forming a stranglehold over your property.

Who to trust for mosquito control in Simsbury

Mosquito Squad has been a trusted source of mosquito control since 2005. With the help of our mosquito barrier protection treatments and our highly trained technicians, we can guarantee up to a 90% reduction in the mosquito population on your property. Lasting for up to 21 days, our treatments only need to be reapplied every two to three weeks. You deserve to enjoy the outdoors without worrying too much about mosquitoes. With our help, let’s put your worries to rest!

Keep Simsbury mosquito control in mind when spring returns. For powerful mosquito treatments you can rely on, look to the experts at Mosquito Squad of Hartford. Give us a call at (860) 356-3953.

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