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Mosquito Control: What Can You Do Before Winter?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

September 22, 2022

Summer has finally come to an end and the fall season promises to be a good one. With Halloween, Thanksgiving, and other holidays on the horizon, we can look forward to gathering with family and friends. If weather permits, we can continue to spend much of our leisure time in the outdoors, and autumn weather promises to be gorgeous. Spending time outside in the fall comes with a caveat though.

North Granby mosquito control remains important this fall

When weather continues to be nice, you need to remember that you might not be the only one remaining active outside. For example, when temperatures remain warm during the fall, insects like mosquitoes remain active in their final search for a blood meal. Dealing with mosquitoes even after summer’s conclusion doesn’t seem fair, but this is the reality we face. With a warming climate and favorable mosquito-breeding conditions, these insects remain active for roughly half the year, and the issue isn’t predicted to become any better. For those who like to spend time outside, such news is distressing, especially knowing that some mosquitoes carry potentially dangerous diseases like West Nile virus. Mosquitoes are a threat that needs dealing with; fortunately, there are some steps you can take to defend against these creatures.

Keep your yard clear for at-home East Granby mosquito control

One step you can take on your own is by conducting frequent yard care to keep your property free of natural waste and debris. For example, removing leaves, grass clippings, unused mulch piles, and similar waste should be a priority to keep mosquitoes from laying eggs or taking refuge for the winter on your property. Mosquitoes, while annoying and plentiful, are quite fragile and they will search for shelter whenever necessary. Removing potential shelter from the yard is an important plan to enact.

Another step that you should consider before winter makes landfall is implementing professional mosquito control.

Who can you trust for professional mosquito control?

At Mosquito Squad, we’ve worked for nearly two decades to defend our customers against the threats that mosquitoes pose. With the help of our mosquito barrier protection treatments and our highly trained technicians, we can guarantee up to a 90% reduction in the mosquito population on your property.

Mosquitoes remain active in autumn. With proper yard care and professional East and North Granby mosquito control, you can enjoy the autumn outdoors without fear of bites. Give us a call at (860) 356-3953.

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