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Keep Guests Happy with Tolland Mosquito Control

Posted by Mosquito Squad

July 8, 2022

Are you making plans with friends this summer? You’re not alone this summer as, to many, this is the best time of year to gather and reconnect with our loved ones. Warm breezes, good food, and excellent company are all hallmarks of spending time with those we care about, and this summer provides the perfect environment for these gatherings. Or so we think. Yes, the weather is great, but there are some creatures that seem to actively seek out gatherings to ruin. As you may have guessed already, the insects we are talking about are mosquitoes.

Emerging as early as April and remaining in our region until late fall, mosquitoes are the arch-nemeses of the outdoor living season for various reasons. Firstly, mosquitoes deliver painful, itchy bites that can disrupt even the most pleasant evenings. These creatures seek us out not only because we are a large source of blood, but also because mosquitoes rely on blood to lay their eggs. Male mosquitoes actually don’t rely on us for blood, so the mosquitoes circling your head are most likely females eagerly awaiting the chance to lay their offspring. Mosquitoes rely on several senses to locate their targets, and gatherings with family and friends might as well be a buffet for these insects.

Diseases are a compelling reason to apply Tolland mosquito control

Another disturbing characteristic of mosquitoes is their ability to spread disease. Along with their annoying bites, mosquitoes can also deliver pathogens like West Nile virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, and others to those they parasitize. As if a bite weren’t nasty enough, having to contend with the possibility of contracting a potentially life-changing illness is a thought most would like to avoid, but it is our reality. This outdoor living season, make sure that your gathering spaces remain happy and vibrant by defending yourself and your guests from mosquitoes. These insects don’t belong on your property, so make sure mosquitoes know they don’t have an invite this summer. With professional mosquito control, you can take the upper hand against these pests.

Who to trust for Tolland mosquito control

At Mosquito Squad, we understand the importance of keeping friends and family happy. Since our founding in 2005, we have worked tirelessly to ensure our customers are defended from mosquitoes, especially now that these insects can carry various diseases. With the help of our highly trained technicians and our mosquito barrier treatments, we can guarantee up to a 90% reduction in the mosquito population on your property. Applications every 2-3 weeks will keep you defended throughout the summer and fall. With our help, you can once again enjoy your yard without fear of mosquitoes!

Mosquitoes are a threat to outdoor living and your guests’ enjoyment. For powerful Tolland mosquito control, look no further than Mosquito Squad of Hartford. Give us a call at (860) 356-3953.

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