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Improved Safety with Tick Control in Tolland

Posted by Mosquito Squad

February 17, 2022

Have you ever considered that there might be dangers lurking in your very own backyard? In our day-to-day lives, this consideration isn’t something that pops into our heads often, but being aware never has a downside. Throughout the Northeast, tick populations have entered an era of overwhelming population growth that severely threatens human health in states across the region. In particular, CT is seeing disturbing rates of Lyme disease, and the issue is only expected to get worse.

Based on estimates from recent research, nearly 50% of ticks in the state carry Lyme disease, and such astronomical figures are indicative of an impending health crisis. Although ticks take roughly 24-48 hours to transmit Lyme disease to their hosts, the sheer volume of ticks in our region has dramatically increased the odds of being bitten by these parasites, and so too the odds of contracting the disease. Fortunately, antibacterial treatments are proven to be highly effective in treating Lyme disease, but the trouble lies in how difficult this disease is to diagnose. Scientists estimate that only 10% of patients with the disease are correctly diagnosed, and such an error rate sets the stage for chronic illnesses. In the long term, Lyme disease can cause serious issues including joint swelling and nervous system issues that can last from months to years. Indeed, there are many instances of people who have had their lives derailed by the chronic illness and its various side effects, including short-term memory loss.

With this growing tick threat on the horizon, make sure you aren’t taking chances with your health and consult the experts for tick control.

Who to trust for Tolland tick control

Ticks are nothing to mess with, but you can take the fight to these parasites with Mosquito Squad, a national leader in tick defense. In addition to tick control measures you can conduct yourself, professional tick control is the only way to guarantee that you are protected throughout the tick season. Mosquito Squad has been providing comprehensive tick control for nearly 20 years with our innovative treatment options, and we are still going strong. Using our barrier protection spray, which is available in our original and natural formulas, we can ensure that you are well-defended for up to 21 days. The treatment also works against mosquitoes! With occasional treatments throughout the tick season, you can gain the peace of mind you deserve. Ticks are notoriously difficult to see or feel on your body, so the best way to protect yourself is by making it unlikely that a tick can reach you in the first place.

Lyme disease is on the rise in CT, and the best way to ensure you’re well-defended is with the help of professionals. For comprehensive tick control in Tolland, look no further than Mosquito Squad of Hartford. Give us a call at (860) 356-3953.

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