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Survey Says Americans Don’t Follow the CDC’s Advice About Mosquito Protection.

Posted by Mosquito Squad

May 19, 2016

With the news that local mosquitoes can carry the Zika virus, Americans have not yet started to embrace basic recommendations for controlling the mosquito population in their own home.

Unlike other mosquito born diseases, Zika has been identified as a world health crisis and we must work together to fight mosquitoes, said Scott Zide, President of Outdoor Living Brands, and co-founder of the Mosquito Squad. Removing standing water is the most vital tactic to eliminate mosquitoes, yet home-owners are not actively removing it, which is shocking given that mosquito concerns are so high.

According to Zide, nearly 50% of people do not plan to do anything different in their yards, despite the news regarding the virus.
The results of the Mosquito Squad Fight the Bite Report, almost 75% of Americans do not plan to modify their time outside due to the mosquito activity, and less than 50% follow the CDC’s recommendations to reduce mosquito breeding.

Finding from the survey:

  • Only 36% of Americans remove items in their yard that hold standing water.
  • Less than half thrown out lawn debris, which is a breeding ground for mosquitoes
  • Only about 25% of Americans shake out their tarps, including BBQ and fire pit covers and remove the standing water.
  • About 25% make sure their gutters are clean
  • And just about 25% of people walk their yard to regularly remove items that can be breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

Zika hasn’t yet been transmitted in the U.S. by a mosquito, but experts predict that it will happen soon.

Source: PR Newswire

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