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How can I relieve an itchy, mosquito bite?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

How can I relieve an itchy, mosquito bite?

One of the most annoying parts of enjoying the outdoors are mosquitoes. Spring through fall, they flock to any-warm blooded animal that they can find for blood. However, it is not reasonable to stay indoors in the evenings or early mornings when it is cool & comfortable to avoid mosquito activity. If you don’t, you may have to interact with mosquitoes and end up with itchy mosquito bites on your skin.


People have many different reactions to mosquito bites from mild to severe.


Soothing the annoying itch is all you can think to do, but don’t scratch to cause more irritation.

Reach for one of these solutions for mosquito bite relief instead!


Oatmeal can relieve the itching and swelling because it contains anti-irritant qualities. You can make a paste mixing equal amounts of oatmeal and water, spoon some onto a washcloth and place paste-side down on the irritated skin for about 10 minutes before wiping clean. If you were unfortunate enough to get many bites, you can soak in a warm bath with 1 cup of oatmeal for 20 minutes.


Crushed Ice

Cold temperatures reduce inflammation which can also numb the skin for short-term relief. Do not place ice directly on your skin because it may cause damage. The American Academy of Dermaatology(AAD) recommends the use of a cold cloth or an ice pack to soothe itchy skin.


Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Gel has been shown to reduce burn pains, soothe itching and help wounds heal faster. It is also a great solution to healing a bug bite too. You can cut open a small section of the plant & apply to the irritated area.


Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is a natural remedy for relieving itching. Studies have shown that this oil aids in the relief of itching from long-term causes like diabetes and liver conditions. It also works great for temporary causes like an insect bite! Always use a carrier oil, like coconut oil or olive oil mixed in with a few drops of peppermint oil to reduce irritation. Do not apply undiluted peppermint oil to your skin.


Are you tired of suffering from bites?


Call us! We can guarantee an 85-90% reduction in the mosquito population on your property and have you set up for success for outdoor activities this season!

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