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Fall Tick Control is Top Priority for Many of Those in the Peninsula Area of Hampton Roads

Posted by Mosquito Squad

August 26, 2018

While school is starting back up and Labor Day is only a week away, don’t think that the ticks are going anywhere, anytime soon. In fact, tick activity is still extremely high and if you’re unsure if your yard is protected, then it’s time to call the tick control experts at Mosquito Squad of Hampton Roads. We’re offering special fall and winter treatments to keep all those creepy crawlers out of your yard. Unlike most other mosquito and tick control companies in Williamsburg, Chesapeake, and surrounding areas of Hampton Roads, we believe it’s important to remain proactive in keeping mosquitoes and ticks out of yards through intensive tick and mosquito treatments.

We’re offering granular tick treatments that will begin in early November. The primary purpose of the granular treatment is to eliminate ticks and fleas. Additionally, it will help with moles/voles by eliminating their food source (grubs). With this type of protection, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your yard is secured and that ticks and fleas won’t be able to make it through your yard without being completely eliminated. If you’re interested, the pricing is as follows:

  • $99 up to a half acre
  • $129 up to an acre

The key to ensuring your yard is both tick and mosquito free all year round is to remain proactive. If you sign up for intensive mosquito and tick treatments, this allows us to begin applying our barrier application prior to the arrival of ticks and mosquitoes. Additionally, the treatments will increase in effectiveness as they’re applied more frequently. So, if you’re in an area near any marshes or pools of stagnant water, Mosquito Squad of Hampton Roads is your best option. We’ll work tirelessly to ensure your yard is never again a sanctuary for pesky bloodsucking insects and arachnids.

To find out why Mosquito Squad of Hampton Roads is the most trusted tick and mosquito control company in the Hampton Roads area, call us today. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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