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Fall season is fast approaching, are you ready for the ticks?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

August 18, 2017

The fall season is the perfect time to get out and adventure in Virginia. As the temperature begins to chill, it becomes more enjoyable to head outdoors. But if you live anywhere near dense foliage or woods, you’re at risk for coming in contact with ticks while taking your walk or hike.

Although you can’t get protection from ticks in areas that are not treated, you can get protection on your own property that will eliminate on contact and prevent nymph ticks from becoming adults.

To understand the tick better, let’s take a look at it’s life cycle and habitat choice. The tick has 4 stages to it’s life cycle: Eggs, Larva, Nymph, Adult.

Eggs; The adult female will drop off of her host that she has been feeding on to lay her in eggs. After she drops off and lays her eggs, she moves on looking for a new host as her eggs begin to hatch into the Larva.

Larva; The larva hatches with six legs and goes in search of their first host, which could be your pets, rabbits and mice. The larva will feed on their first host for as long as they need until they reach the Nymph stage.

Nymph; This is when the transmission of an infected tick begins. When a nymph tick that has been infected feeds on their host, they begin transmitted the disease among other animals.

At Mosquito Squad, our goal is to help prevent nymph ticks to becoming adult ticks and laying even more eggs with our newest tick tube treatment.

Adult; The adult tick will reproduce eggs and the life cycle will begin again, putting more of us at risk for the transmission of disease.

Call Mosquito Squad of Hampton Roads at (757) 300-1839 to discuss your tick control needs and prevent them from reproducing on your property!

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