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Mosquito Squad of Greenville explains the passion and purpose behind World Malaria Day

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Mosquito Squad of Greenville explains the passion and purpose behind World Malaria Day

World Malaria Day  Imagine losing a child to the bite of just one mosquito infected with a parasite that causes Malaria. Many of us are familiar with what Malaria is but don’t really think about it since Malaria was eradicated from the United States in 1951.The impact it has on a global level is devastating. The impact it has on thousands of families in tropical and subtropical areas of the world is indescribable. A child is the hope of our future and Malaria is more prevelant among those with weaker immune systems such as children and pregnant women. Each time a child dies from Malaria another piece of our future dies with him or her. According to the CDC, Malaria is one of the most severe public health problems worldwide. It is a leading cause of death and disease in many developing countries. In 2010, Malaria caused an estimated 216 million clinical episodes, and 655,000 deaths. An estimated 91% of deaths in 2010 were in the African Region, followed by 6% in the South-East Asian Region and 3% in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (3%). About 86% of deaths globally were in children. It is estimated that one child dies every 60 seconds to Malaria making it one of the top 3 killers of children in Africa.

Malaria parasite within red blood cell

April 25th, 2013 is World Malaria Day. Since 2008, the global community comes together on this day to highlight the need for the continued investment and sustained political commitment for malaria prevention and control. Mosquito Squad is an active supporter of the Malaria No More campaign. Over the past year, Outdoor Living Brands including Mosquito Squad have contributed at least $10,000 to support the campaigns work to end Malaria deaths in Africa. Malaria No More is a nonprofit organization who has set a goal of ending Malaria deaths in Africa by 2015.

mosquito on skin

Malaria No More has helped reduce Malaria deaths by 33% in Africa since 2006. Since Malaria is a treatable and curable disease MNM is helping the effort to stamp out the disease by giving those families in Malaria ridden areas timely access to the tools they need to prevent, diagnose and treat Malaria. A full-course of life-saving malaria treatment for children costs just $1 and cures a child in one to three days. This is less than we spend on a cup of coffee in the morning here in America but means the difference between life and death to a child infected with Malaria and can change all out futures on a global level.

If you are interested in donating to this global cause you can visit the Malaria No More contribution page. No amount is too large or too small to make a difference in keeping families intact and healthy from the dangers of Malaria. Let’s make malaria no more!

malaria no more

To learn more about  Malaria No More or inquire about controlling and preventing mosquitoes on the home front contact Mosquito Squad of Greenville today at Call us today for a free quote (864) 362-2013