CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

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  • Don’t Be An April Fool: Clean Your Yard to Limit Greenville Mosquito Population Growth for the Summer

Don’t Be An April Fool: Clean Your Yard to Limit Greenville Mosquito Population Growth for the Summer

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

The sound of mowers humming, children hooting & hollering, and bees buzzing filled our first summer-like weekend. If you weren’t among the many folks who spent this weekend completing spring landscape clean-up – you might want to put it on the schedule very soon. With a week of above freezing temperatures behind us, mosquitoes will begin multiplying anytime now. The more standing water, leaves, and debris in your yard, the more easily the mosquito population will multiply.

mosquito life cycle

What Does Water Have to Do With It?

With three of the four stages of the mosquito life cycle happening in the water, it is a very important factor in the growth of new mosquitoes. A female mosquito requires a blood meal to produce a batch of 50-200 eggs. She will lay them on or near the surface of standing water. Most species will hatch in two or three days. Mosquito larvae feed on bits of organic matter in the water, hanging out at the surface to get air. Within about a week they will transform into pupae for a few days when they grow easily and quickly, emerging out of the water as flying, biting, annoying adults.

Spring Mosquito Yard Clean-up

With mosquito populations multiplying exponentially – early yard clean-up can set you up for a full season of pest-free outdoor living. At Mosquito Squad we always advocate the 5 T’s of mosquito control with our valuable clients and readers. But we are especially thrilled when influential institutions spread a similar message. Clemson University Entomology offers brilliant knowledge about the mosquito life-cycle including a specific checklist for eliminating standing water.

In case tipping, turning, and tossing doesn’t cover the gamut of mosquito population growth potential – there are a few additional things you should inspect. Check flat roofs for puddling water after rain, clean out guttersdrain stagnant pools or swampy areas and examine trees for holes and decayed areas that could hold water.


For additional Greenville mosquito control, contact Mosquito Squad of Greenville to eliminate 85-90% of mosquitoes from your yard all season. Our service is easy and worry-free, call us at (864) 362-2013