Win the Battle Against Mosquitoes This Year!
Posted by Mosquito Squad
April 17, 2013
There are two things that are certain in life…taxes and mosquitoes. As I see signs of spring popping up everywhere, our phones are starting to ring. Mosquito Squad has become part of the homeowner’s annual spring checklist: mower, gutter guy, landscaper, pool boy, mosquito barrier…That list is getting checked-off a little later this year than last. As we all know in St. Louis, that future-telling animal, Punxsutawney Phil, got it wrong this year by predicting an early spring. (By the way, according to StormFax Weather Almanac, Phil is wrong 61% of the time)! A high of 41 degrees and over 8 inches of snow on March 24?! According to NOAA, last year on March 24 it was 75 degrees. We set a record high on March 12, 2012 with 84 degrees! The average high temperature of March 2012 was 72 degrees. (The normal high-temperature average for March is 56 degrees). This March the average high temperature was 49 degrees. That’s a 23-degree difference from last year and 7 degrees below normal. WOW! No wonder plants are leafing out later and lawns are growing slower and mosquitoes are lying low.
But don’t be fooled. With temperatures consistently above 50 degrees, mosquitoes will be emerging. The wet spring has created lots of breeding grounds for these pesky insects. It only takes one teaspoon of water for a mosquito to lay 300 eggs. I can promise that the delay in spring does not mean mosquitoes won’t be a nuisance this year. Don’t go round after round of trying to beat them by yourself. Call in the heavyweights. Arm yourself with Mosquito Squad of Greater Saint Louis because we are the best in mosquito control. Not only do “we got your back”…but we got your arms and legs and face and neck and Mosquito Squad will help you win the battle!