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How Backyard Chickens Can Help Keep Mosquitoes Away!

Posted by Mosquito Squad

May 3, 2016

Backyard chickens and other poultry can be a fun addition to any backyard. Not only are they entertaining, but they are also easy to care for pets that provide nutritious eggs that taste better than any store-bought options. As an added bonus, their nitrogen-rich droppings can help your garden flourish.

Chickens have another advantage that’s often overlooked. They can provide really effective tick and mosquito control! Not only will backyard chickens eat ticks and mosquitoes, they also enjoy dining on slugs and other pests – sometimes even eating mice or small snakes.

It’s a common misconception that chickens can only be kept in large yards or out away from St. Louis City. Small flocks can be kept in urban and suburban communities – just be sure to know your local regulations and neighborhood ordinances on keeping chickens in your backyard. For example, most communities are very chicken friendly, yet don’t allow you to own roosters.

There are many benefits to keeping a small backyard flock of chickens. Here are a few of our favorites: 

Fresh Eggs: Fresh eggs are one of the best reasons to keep chickens. Hens will start laying eggs at about 6 months old. They will consistently lay an egg every 1-2 days. These eggs are more flavorful, especially when given a varied diet of chicken feed and kitchen scraps!

Composting: Chickens are amazing compost critters. They will most of your kitchen scraps into a nutrient-rich garden additive – poop. They love vegetable scraps, bread, grains, and even meat scraps. Chickens go crazy for stale chips, bread, and popcorn leftover from parties and events.

Landscaping and Insect Control: If you allow your chickens to free range in your yard, they will meticulously landscape around your trees and shrubs. They also like to hunt down insects. Chickens enjoy fresh grass and plant shoots and will happily weed your garden once it is established.

Pets: Chickens make great pets. When you raise and handle chickens from small chicks they will eat from your hand, sit in your lap, and follow you around the yard.  They even come to you when you call and are early risers who like to go to bed just before dusk. As long as they have fresh food, water, and a clean coop, they will be happy.

Raising backyard chickens is simple, and can be a fun and effective way to introduce natural insects and pest control into your own yard. In the meantime, contact Mosquito Squad of Greater Saint Louis today to find out about our other safe and effective mosquito control treatments that can keep your yard bug-free!

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