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Which Texas Pests Are Harmful?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

March 21, 2024

Which Texas Pests Are Harmful?

You might think pests, such as gnats and mosquitoes, are simply a nuisance. Did you know that some can be harmful to your health?

Our climate is ideal for many different pest species. Throughout the warmer months each year, your home and property can become inundated with healthy, hungry, thriving pests. Which Texas pests are apt to do you harm? Here are a few!

Mosquitoes, More Than a Nuisance

Mosquitoes are plentiful in warm, rainy months. That is because ample water provides a place for female mosquitoes to lay their eggs. They breed and develop into adults rather quickly and in great numbers. Mosquitoes are the most dangerous pests on the planet, infecting large populations outside the United States with malaria each year. However, in 2023, local malaria cases were reported in Texas and Florida – the first in more than two decades. Malaria is not the only mosquito-borne illness that can be spread with only one bite. Mosquitoes also spread West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, Zika, and heartworm disease in pets.

Striped Bark Scorpion, an Obvious Texas Adversary

The striped bark scorpion is the most prevalent species in Texas. And while its venom is not usually dangerous for humans, there can be unwanted symptoms from their stings. Two common reactions are swelling and numbness at the bite site. However, small children and those with known pest allergies should seek medical care if stung by a striped bark scorpion.

Texas Spiders, Don’t Count Them Out

Texas is home to two species of dangerous spiders – the black widow and brown recluse. These potentially harmful spiders do not seek to bite humans or their pets. However, if they feel threatened, you can receive a hefty dose of venom, delivered by a painful bite. Brown recluse bites can lead to necrosis, deadening of the flesh around the bite site, which can lead to terrible infection. The black widow’s bite is also painful and venomous, most harmful to children and those in poor health. 

Fleas, Harmful TX Pests That Must Be Addressed

The hardy flea comfortably makes its home in Texas too. These lightning-fast breeders can get out of hand very quickly. Oftentimes, when you find a flea or two on you or your pet, you already have an infestation close-by. If you have ever had a flea problem, you will know about their voracious appetites and many bites, clustered where your blood is easily gotten, such as your ankles and feet. These bites are itchy for sure, but did you know that fleas are responsible for the spread of plague? And while plague is rare in Texas, with 9 cases reported in 50 years, it is not an impossibility for fleas in Texas to pass this dreadful disease.

Fire Ants in Texas, a Force to Be Reckoned With

If you have ever accidentally interrupted a fire ant hill, you know their stings are powerful. It takes a day or two for the bites to develop into a blister-like pustule. Fire ants can be harmful in a couple of ways. Those who are allergic to other pests might also be allergic to fire ants. Additionally, due to the blistering nature of their bites, a secondary infection can occur once the pustule breaks.

TX Ticks, Pests That Carry Many a Disease Pathogen

Depending on the species, a tick bite can leave behind lifelong health consequences. The black-legged tick is responsible for Lyme disease, babesiosis, anaplasmosis, and the potentially fatal Powassan virus disease. The American dog tick and brown dog tick can also be found in Texas. And while the brown dog tick is not a voracious human feeder, it will attach itself to your dog or cat. The American dog tick will readily feed on humans, and many other animals. This tick can pass tularemia and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. And the Lone Star tick is responsible for diseases, like Southern tick-associated rash, tularemia, bourbon virus, and heartland virus.

Lower Your Chances of Encountering Harmful Pests in Texas - Choose Mosquito Squad for Pest Control in Arlington TX

When it comes to Arlington pest control, Mosquito Squad wants to be your go-to choice. You can count on custom tailored pest control solutions that work for your home or business and guaranteed satisfaction. Call Mosquito Squad of Fort Worth at (817) 835-8694.

Also read: When is the right time for pest control?

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