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When Should You Treat for Asian Beetles?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

September 27, 2024

When Should You Treat for Asian Beetles?

The key to controlling Asian lady beetles is treating early.

In Texas, this means any time in late summer or early autumn, through late autumn and early winter. These beetles will seemingly appear out of nowhere and they come in great numbers. To prevent them making your home theirs, call on the pros at Mosquito Squad of Fort Worth for a custom Asian lady beetle pest control plan. Give us a call at the first sign of these invasive, annoying pests, or speak with us about helping prevent them altogether by attacking before they invade our private spaces.

What keeps Asian lady beetles away?

What is the best Asian lady beetle spray? Mosquito Squad uses our long-trusted, highly effective mosquito barrier treatment to help keep Asian lady beetles away from your home. They come there in cooler weather in search of warming sunlight. You can often find them in the sunniest spaces outside your home, where they will take any opportunity to come inside your home to remain warm in the winter.

Why should you get rid of Asian beetles?

These pests come in such large numbers; they can get out of hand quickly. They are not directly harmful to humans and pets, but they do pack a nasty bite. Asian beetles in large numbers can produce a very foul odor, which will make you wish you had prevented them in the first place. And perhaps most surprisingly, these invasive pests leave a residual asthma or allergy triggering dust when they die.

What is the difference between ladybugs and Asian lady beetles?

There is no denying the similarity between our much beloved ladybugs and these nasty beetles. Though, there are physical traits that distinguish each species. Ladybugs are a truer, brighter red, while Asian lady beetles are more orange-ish. Both have black spots on their backs, but there is a difference there too. Would you believe that the main difference in their black spots is the number you will find on either species? If you can’t distinguish the color, try counting their spots. Asian lady beetles’ spots number in the high teens, while ladybugs usually have only 11 black spots.

Search Fort Worth pest control for Asian beetles and call Mosquito Squad, a top-rated pest control company.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Mosquito Squad of Fort Worth to discuss your residential or commercial pest control in Fort Worth. We can help you lower your chances of encountering many Fort Worth pest species any time of the year.

Our exterior pest control services include these pests and more!

Mosquito Squad offers dependable Fort Worth pest control services with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Read about it here!

Call Mosquito Squad for a complimentary Fort Worth pest control assessment. Get in touch with us by filling out our form online  or calling us at (817) 835-8694 for a free quote.

Also read: Is it time to treat stink bugs?

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