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Pest Mistakes We Make in the Fall

Posted by Mosquito Squad

October 18, 2024

Pest Mistakes We Make in the Fall

There are common missteps that many of us make in autumn regarding pests.

The first and perhaps most common mistake is foregoing pest control after summer in Fort Worth. Temperatures can still be ideal for pest activity, even in late autumn. Don’t discontinue your pest control too soon. You could have a pest infestation late into the year in Fort Worth late into the fall. Here are a few other pest-related blunders you should avoid.

Not Taking Proper Pest Precautions Outdoors

Hikers, campers, and hunters are on the move in the fall in Fort Worth. There are standard safety guidelines we innately follow in these scenarios, but many times, we forget pest repellent or proper clothing to allay pest bites when we are out in the great Texas outdoors. It’s not too late to get a mosquito or tick bite. And with these bites could come a vector-borne illness.

  • Wear pest repellent or clothing treated with pest repellent
  • Wear long sleeves and materials that mosquitoes and ticks cannot penetrate
  • Do a tick check every time you return to your home from being outdoors or when you return to your campsite
  • When it is safe to do so, put clothing worn during these activities in the dryer for 10 minutes before putting them with the regular laundry
  • Do tick checks on pets every time they spend time outdoors, especially if they are laying in the yard or are out among areas of underbrush or tall grasses

Using Fresh Autumn Décor Outside Our Homes & Businesses

We all love getting into this time of ever-changing, seasonal decorating. Autumn favorites, like mums, haybales, pumpkins, and gourds can make your doorstep more susceptible to pest invaders.

Live plants and haybales could harbor pests. Gourds and live plants can be attractants for wildlife, which can bring ticks and fleas onto your property, as well. Rats, squirrels, deer, and other animals can transport these nasty pests right to your doorstep.

Pumpkins might additionally bring flies, aphids, and beetles nearby. And let’s not forget, that when we have more bugs around our homes, we could attract their prey – some of which are other pests, like spiders. What can we do to make our outdoor decor less friendly to pests?

  • Consider using faux plants, pumpkins, and gourds
  • Don’t use bright incandescent lighting that attracts bugs; consider LED lighting that produces less heat
  • Call Mosquito Squad of Fort Worth for continued pest control and management in Fort Worth and surrounding areas, including rodent control

Search mosquito control and call Mosquito Squad.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Mosquito Squad of Fort Worth to discuss your residential or commercial pest control. We can help you reduce your chances of encountering mosquitoes, ticks, and many other Fort Worth pest species any time of the year!

Our pest control in Fort Worth includes these pests and more!

Mosquito Squad offers dependable Fort Worth pest control services with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Read about it here!

Call Mosquito Squad for a complimentary mosquito and pest control assessment. Get in touch with us by filling out our form online  or calling us at (817) 835-8694 for a free quote.

Also read: 3 Reasons to Choose a Mosquito Misting System

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