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Is It Too Late to Treat Pests in Fort Worth?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

October 1, 2024

Is It Too Late to Treat Pests in Fort Worth?

The only qualifier for whether it is too late to treat pests around your Fort Worth home or business is: Are there pests?

Fort Worth boasts a temperate enough climate to have some pest problems year-round. Unseasonably late fall, winter, and early springtime days can have bugs on the move. When you have Fort Worth pests, it’s never too late to treat them.

Which Fort Worth Pests Might Be Active All Year?

Ants. Fire ants and carpenter ants are two types of ants in Texas, which might be on the move all through the year. Ants can actually survive outdoors in our area, and if they get inside your home, they’ll be living even larger!

Flies, inglorious flies! Flies are another Fort Woth pest that will pester you year-round and could get out of hand any time of year, requiring professional intervention. These biters and spreaders of filth must be stopped.

Scorpions – brown scorpions, UV-glowing scorpions, or hairy scorpions – can be active in Fort Worth all year. And much like ants, if they make their way inside your home, they’ll be comfy and cozy there. It’s much better to let them know they’re unwelcome outdoors before they come indoors!

Fleas – jumping and biting pests du jour. If you see one flea, you’re about to find that your pest of the day jackpot includes hundreds or even thousands of fleas!

While there are likely fewer this time of year, it’s the bugs of the creepy-crawly persuasion that we must battle in the fall. Little bug armies are heading for your home, and you must act to fortify your indoor spaces from the bugs outside.

Rodents aren’t going anywhere, unless it’s inside your home or business. Rodents are hardy pests and live a good life here in the Fort Worth area, with comfortable weather to keep them moving, foraging, invading, contaminating, breeding, and generally just being gross for existing.

Spiders are apt to come along beside you just about any day of the year here in the Fort Worth area. So, there are literally about 900 spider species roving Texas landscapes, cityscapes, and yard.

Which Pests in Fort Worth Might You Not See in Winter?

Many pests are apt to hide themselves away during periods of cold weather, including gnats, mosquitoes, and ticks. These three pests enter a period of dormancy until more agreeable weather returns in Fort Worth, which could be a very short period of time each year. It is not a foregone conclusion that if your calendar days it’s winter, you will not see these pests. If a string of warm weather comes in winter, they could begin to emerge early, getting up to their usual no-good activities.

Search mosquito pest control and call Mosquito Squad.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Mosquito Squad of Fort Worth to discuss your residential or commercial pest control. We can help you reduce your chances of encountering many Fort Worth pest species outside your home any time of the year!

Our pest control in Fort Worth ncludes these pests and more!

Mosquito Squad offers dependable Fort Worth pest control services with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Read about it here!

Call Mosquito Squad for a complimentary mosquito and pest control assessment. Get in touch with us by filling out our form online  or calling us at (817) 835-8694 for a free quote.

Also read: When should you treat for Asian beetles?

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