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Are Brown Scorpions in Texas Poisonous?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

September 9, 2024

Are Brown Scorpions in Texas Poisonous?

Some brown scorpions in Texas are venomous.

However, some brown scorpions are not venomous. For instance, the dark brown colored, Trans-Pecos Smooth Claw scorpion is non-venomous. They can still cause pain and discomfort through their stings and very large pincers. What are some popular venomous and non-venomous scorpions in Texas?

Scorpion Species in Texas, Colors and Potential Danger

There are nearly 20 known scorpion species in Texas. Texas scorpions vary by color, size, habit, diet, and whether they are dangerous to our health. Common colors of Texas scorpions are light brown, yellowish, dark brown, and black. One Texas scorpion is even hairy.

Light Brown Scorpions in Texas

One of the more prominent scorpions in Texas that is light brown, tan, or even a yellowish color, are striped bark scorpions. As their name suggests, they have stripes – two black bands on their bodies. Juvenile striped bark scorpions are a bit darker in color. The striped bark scorpion is venomous, secreting neurotoxins through their stings, which can cause great discomfort. However, these scorpions rarely cause serious health consequences. Pain and swelling caused by their stings usually begins to subside within hours. Symptoms can be helped by using a cold compress.

Reddish-brown Scorpions in Texas

Texas cave scorpions have dark reddish-brown bodies and pincers with yellow legs. They are venomous. They thrive in the desert, in areas with caves and rocks for shelter. It is not an impossibility, however, to find a Texas cave scorpion hiding out in a dark and damp area around your home or business. Like the striped bark scorpion, this scorpion species can cause pain, tingling, and redness akin to other types of stings, but are not known to cause serious harm.

Black, Dark Brown Scorpions in Texas

Giant hairy scorpions, the largest scorpion species found in North America, can grow up to 6” in length from pincers-to-tail. They are dark brown or black in color with hair covering their bodies and pincers. Giant hairy scorpions in Texas prefer loose sandy soils I desert areas and are known to construct intricate tunnel systems to hide from hot desert sunlight. These guys are also venomous, but not usually dangerous to our health.

This Light Brown Scorpion Not Found in Texas

The Arizona bark scorpion is the most venomous and potentially dangerous scorpion in North America. In fact, this scorpion species is the only known species to have been fatal in the United States. Their bodies are light brown in color with a darker brown hue on their backs but fluoresce white under black light. Like most scorpion species, the Arizona bark scorpion is a nocturnal arachnid. They thrive in nature by water sources. However, these scorpions are also enticed by irrigated lawns, where they can find water and cool places to hide. The good news is that Arizona bark scorpions are not usually found in Texas.

Search pest control Fort Worth and call Mosquito Squad, a top-rated pest control company.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Mosquito Squad of Fort Worth to discuss your residential or Fort Worth pest control. We can help you lower your chances of encountering many Fort Worth pest species any time of the year, including scorpions and other stinging pests!

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Also read: How to Get Rid of Scorpions in Texas

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