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Top Ten Tick News Stories of 2016

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 30, 2016

At the culmination of each year, we like to review top news stories that spurred social media shares and awareness of important issues. It doesn’t shock us that Lyme disease concerns and tick news stories were heavily featured in media outlets this past year.

If this surprises you, perhaps you aren’t aware that ticks are the most significant vectors of infectious diseases in the United States. With a growing number of Lyme Disease cases and celebrity advocates like singer Avril Lavigne and RHOBH star Yolanda Foster, we have noticed an uptick in awareness of the tick-borne disease among both the media and the general public. This has resulted in more tick news features and discussions about these terrible disease vectors.

We consulted BuzzSumo‘s article research tool to identify the top 10 tick news pieces of 2016. We examined the most shared stories from major news outlets about ticks and Lyme disease this past year. Here’s our top ten countdown of 2016’s most talked-about and tweeted-about tick news pieces.

The Top 10 Tick News Stories of 2016

#10. Lyme Disease-Carrying Ticks Are Now in Half of All U.S. Counties

Headline: Lyme Disease-Carrying Ticks Are Now in Half of All U.S. Counties

Outlet: Science Magazine

Date: January 18th

Shares: 11.1K

Summary: A new study revealed that ticks that transmit Lyme disease are present in half of all the counties in the United States.

#9. Tick Bite Linked to Rising in Red Meat Allergies. Why Now?

Headline: Tick Bite Linked to Rising in Red Meat Allergies. Why Now?

Outlet: NBC News

Date: April 20th

Shares: 11.2K

Summary: NBC News examined the reasons behind the rise in red meat allergies related to tick bites. We wrote about this topic on our blog.

#8. When Lyme Disease Isn’t Caught Early, the Fallout Can Be Scary

Headline: When Lyme Disease Isn’t Caught Early, the Fallout Can Be Scary

Outlet: CBS News

Date: July 22nd

Shares: 11.2K

Summary: CBS News explained how undiagnosed Lyme disease could cause a variety of severe but mysterious health issues and symptoms.

#7. 5 Things Every Person Needs to Know About Lyme Disease

Headline: 5 Things Every Person Needs to Know About Lyme Disease

Outlet: Teen Vogue

Date: March 24th

Shares: 12.2K

Summary: Teen Vogue answered frequently asked questions about Lyme disease after model Gigi Hadid honored her mother, who is suffering from chronic Lyme, at the inaugural Global Lyme Alliance gala.

#6. A Natural Cure for Lyme Disease

Headline: A Natural Cure for Lyme Disease

Outlet: The New York Times

Date: August 20th

Shares: 12.6K

Summary: The New York Times outlined an environmental solution to Lyme disease: restoring balance in forest ecosystems by allowing large predator populations to rebound.

#5. Scientists Discover A Second Bacterium That Causes Lyme Disease

Headline: Scientists Discover A Second Bacterium That Causes Lyme Disease

Outlet: NPR

Date: February 8th

Shares: 21K

Summary: Scientists discovered a second bacterium, Borrelia mayonii, that can cause Lyme disease.

#4. Lyme: The Infectious Disease Equivalent of Cancer, Says Top Duke Oncologist

Headline: Lyme: The Infectious Disease Equivalent of Cancer, Says Top Duke Oncologist

Outlet: Huffington Post

Date: February 19th

Shares: 28.2K

Summary: A doctor who suffered heart failure due to undiagnosed Lyme disease explained what cancer and Lyme have in common.

#3. Tick Bites That Trigger Severe Meat Allergy on Rising Around the World

Headline: Tick Bites That Trigger Severe Meat Allergy on Rising Around the World

Outlet: The Guardian

Date: October 6th

Shares: 35.5K

Summary: Cases of “tick-induced mammalian meat allergy” are on the rise in Australia and the United States, and incidents were also reported in Europe, Asia, Central America, and Africa. We wrote about this topic on our blog.

#2. “A Slow Slipping Away” – Kris Kristofferson’s Long-Undiagnosed Battle with Lyme Disease

Headline: “A Slow Slipping Away” – Kris Kristofferson’s Long-Undiagnosed Battle with Lyme Disease

Outlet: Huffington Post

Date: July 6th

Shares: 36.9K

Summary: The wife of singer Kris Kristofferson discussed how she helped him beat his undiagnosed Lyme disease and regain his health.

#1. Visiting Physician Sheds New Light on Lyme Disease

Headline: Visiting Physician Sheds New Light on Lyme Disease

Outlet: Martha’s Vineyard Times

Date: July 13th

Shares: 95.5K

Summary: A doctor from Harvard Medical School spoke to a group of physicians at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital about her most recent findings on the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease.

Ticks are Terrible; Mosquitoes are Menacing

Besides the terrible tick, the menacing mosquito was also featured frequently in media outlets over the past year. In case you didn’t know, the mosquito is responsible for more human deaths than any other animal in the world. Unsurprisingly, the mosquito was prominently featured in news articles ranging on various topics from everything about Zika to chicken odor and genetically modified mosquitoes to Victoria’s Secret. We at DC Mosquito Squad help our clients enjoy a mosquito-free and tick-free yard, plus we help keep tabs on the latest developments in tick and Lyme disease news to help you stay informed.

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