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Mosquito Control Services That Works

Posted by Mosquito Squad

April 3, 2015

The fresh, warm air has us all wishing we could sprout wings and fly out into nature! Birds call; creatures chatter, and flowers begin to bloom. It is a magical combination of warmth and sunshine that beckons us to once again get out in our yards and enjoy the world around us. The balmy spring weather; however, brings something else with it as well: mosquitoes and ticks coming out of hibernation. Hiding out all winter season in abandoned tires, woodpiles, and sheds, they rouse with the heat and are naturally ready to feast, like little vampires. Mosquito Squad of Greater Washington DC is prepared to help protect you, your family, and pets from pesky mosquitoes and ticks. To keep your yard from laying out the welcome mat to the pest kingdom, we have some divine tips you can take under consideration.

Mosquito Squad’s 5 Tips for Mosquito Control

  1. Tip. Tip over those standing containers of water! Mosquitoes need only a bottle cap’s worth to breed in, so empty the water. This includes freshening bird baths and dog bowls at least every three days.
  2. Toss. Toss out that old pile of leaves you’ve meant to get to. Adult mosquitoes use standing debris as their nesting ground, so keeping yard clutter to a minimum ensures fewer mosquitoes have a place to hang out.
  3. Turn. Turn over any large items that may be holding stagnant water. This includes kiddie pools, toys like dump trucks, buckets, canoes, kayaks, or yard equipment, like your wheelbarrow.
  4. Tilt. Double check all your tarps and gutters to ensure that they are water free. Sags equal pooling water, and that equates to a mosquito breeding sanctuary. It only takes 10 days for mosquitoes to hatch, and one adult female mosquito can lay up to 3,000 eggs in her lifetime. She is welcome to lay her eggs somewhere other than your yard, and by eliminating haunts for her, you reduce the mosquito population in your area automatically.
  5. Treat. The best Montgomery County MD Mosquito Control is through the use of a proven, effective barrier treatment. Our barrier treatment places a boundary or a “no-fly zone” between your yard and mosquitoes. Unlike other companies who only treatment around the perimeter of your house, we believe you are allowed to be in your entire yard, whenever you wish. Mosquitoes bites are painful and annoying, but it is the illnesses (like West Nile Virus and heartworms) that infected mosquitoes carry that make having a hedge of protection between you and them a smart idea.

Contact Mosquito Squad Today!

Let Dread Skeeter and our trained service technicians be your family’s guardian angel when it comes to keeping 85% – 90% of mosquitoes at bay. Here at Mosquito Squad of Greater Washington DC, we offer EPA-registered barrier treatment protection for your entire landscape. We stand behind our work with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Enjoy getting out in the beautiful warm weather and being a part of nature this Spring and Summer.

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