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Five Charities Fighting Mosquitoes and Malaria

Posted by Mosquito Squad

February 6, 2017

One of the reasons mosquitoes have earned the title of deadliest animal in the world is because they can spread fatal diseases like malaria. The statistics about this silent killer speak for themselves:

  • Almost half the world is at risk of malaria
  • Malaria is present in 100 countries worldwide
  • 435,000 people die per year from malaria
  • A child dies of malaria every two minutes

Malaria is certainly a powerful force for harm around the world, but luckily, there are some equally powerful forces for good fighting back. Many foundations and charities are working hard to eradicate malaria worldwide. Here are five of our favorites:

Malaria No More

DC Mosquito Squad is a proud partner of Malaria No More, a charity that aims to eradicate one of the top child killers on the planet by 2040. They focus on a specific set of tools that are necessary to end malaria deaths. These include rapid-diagnostic tests, effective treatment courses, protective mosquito nets, targeted insecticide misting, government funding, and vaccines in development.

Their efforts on the ground in Africa have had a significant impact so far. They have helped distribute nets to more than five million people in 17 African countries, and reached 20 million Africans through their NightWatch health education initiative. They celebrated their 10th anniversary last year.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Possibly the most well-known of the mosquito crusaders, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation works to improve lives by addressing issues like poverty, health, and education. The foundation is based in Seattle, Washington, but they work around the globe. One of their top priorities is eliminating malaria worldwide.

Their new malaria strategy, Accelerate to Zero, was launched in 2013. They have committed nearly $2 billion in grants to fight malaria, as well as more than $1.6 billion to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Their areas of focus in the fight against malaria are to demonstrate an accelerated path to elimination, to invest in new interventions, and to mobilize support.

Nothing But Nets

In partnership with the United Nations and other public health organizations, Nothing But Nets works to spread life-saving mosquito nets across the continent of Africa. The global grassroots campaign was created in 2006 in order to engage individuals around the world to help prevent malaria deaths.

A $10 contribution will go towards the cost of purchasing an insecticide-treated bed net, distributing it, and educating people about how to use it. The organization invites individuals to host fundraisers or other community events to support the cause. They have raised more than $45 million and delivered more than 7 million bed nets in Sub-Saharan Africa so far.

Roll Back Malaria

The Roll Back Malaria Partnership is a global force fighting malaria. It is made up of more than 500 partners, from malaria-affected countries and NGOs to foundations and academic institutions. The partnership was launched in 1998 by the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the U.N. Development Programme, and the World Bank to coordinate a worldwide effort against malaria.

The vision of the partnership it to rid the world of malaria, and they have set several milestones to achieve this. By 2020, they aim to reduce malaria mortality by at least 40% compared to 2015 rates, and eliminate the disease in an additional 10 countries. By 2030, they aim to reduce these rates by at least 90% and eliminate malaria in at least 35 additional countries.


This UK-based charitable foundation works to support scientists and researchers working on issues related to science, public health, medical innovation, the humanities, social sciences, and public engagement around the globe. The organization’s work reflects the interests of founder Sir Henry Wellcome, who was a medical entrepreneur, collector, and philanthropist.

Their funding helps people in more than 70 countries worldwide, and one of their main goals is to take on the challenge of preparing for the next major epidemic. One way they address this is by funding public health interventions such as working to eradicate malaria with the use of insecticide-treated bed nets. They also support research in biomedical science that looks at infections such as malaria and Zika. Last year, they supported the Zika Rapid Response Initiative to fund Zika projects around the world.

For more information about Mosquito Squad of Greater Washington DC’s charitable partnership with Malaria No More or to donate to the cause, click here.

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