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6 Tips to Fight the Bite This Memorial Day Weekend

Posted by Mosquito Squad

May 29, 2016

The rain has finally subsided, and local weather forecasters are saying that we may get some sunshine and warmth in the D.C. area this weekend! That’s perfect timing for Memorial Day celebrations, but as you get ready for your outdoor bash, don’t forget to have a plan in place to fend off mosquitoes!

With the warmer weather and the last few weeks of very wet conditions, mosquitoes will likely be coming out in swarms to try to join your party. We know that this can easily ruin anytime outdoors, so here are our top tips to keep unwanted guests away from your Memorial Day festivities.

6 Tips to Keep Mosquitoes Away

1. Schedule Your Event Mid-Day

Mosquitoes are most active around dusk, so if possible, plan a lunchtime cookout! This should reduce the volume of mosquitoes that are out and about, so you won’t have to work as hard to keep them away. If you are already planning an evening event, don’t worry! The next five tips will help keep you and your guests from itching!

2. Remove Standing Water Regularly

Standing water is prime breeding ground for mosquitoes, and with all the rain we have gotten these past few weeks, the situation has worsened. There are probably countless puddles around your backyard right now! Be sure to empty any containers, no matter how small. Even old tires, pet bowls, or soda cans hold enough water for eggs to thrive. Also clear out your gutters and check for leaks around outdoor faucets that may cause standing water. If you have a pond or other permanent water feature, treat it with mosquito dunks to prevent eggs from hatching. Abandoned pools also provide ample breeding grounds for mosquitoes, so if your neighborhood has one, suggest immediate treatment.

3. Set Up Lots of Fans

Mosquitoes are weak fliers, so the breeze from a fan can be enough to prevent them from reaching your guests. Arrange several oscillating fans to surround the main area where your party will take place, such as on your patio or deck. This will make it hard for mosquitoes to fly near people, and therefore help prevent bug bites.

4. Offer Plenty of Repellent

Mosquito repellent is proven to work, but sometimes people forget to apply it before leaving the house. If you provide several bug repellent options for your guests to use while they’re at your party, they will most definitely appreciate it. The CDC recommends repellents that contain DEET, Picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535. These active ingredients tend to be the most effective. However, don’t rule out natural mosquito repellent options. Soy-based repellents have been shown to work almost as well. (Application Tip: Remember to apply bug repellent after applying sunscreen. Putting sunscreen on after bug repellent can lessen the potency of the repellent.)

5. Schedule a Barrier Treatment

For an effective solution that lasts for weeks, contact Mosquito Squad of Greater Washington DC to schedule a barrier treatment. This treatment repels and kills mosquitoes for 21 days. We can apply it to the front or back of your property, and it only takes about 10 to 15 minutes for most properties. Your yard will be dry and safe for kids and pets in half an hour after application, so you don’t have to worry about it putting a damper on your fun! We also offer natural mosquito treatment that repels mosquitoes for up to 14 days.

6. Invest in a Misting System

If you’re looking for a more long-term fix, ask our DC mosquito control team about our automatic misting systems. This is especially helpful for properties where mosquito control is a challenge due to large wooded areas. The automatic misting system is inconspicuously and strategically set up throughout your treatment area and provides continuous mosquito control. It emits a 30-second mist between two and four times a day, and it is operated by a remote control so you can determine how many sprays you need. Just set it and forget it!

Whether your party is an intimate family gathering or a big neighborhood block party, these mosquito control tips will keep you and your guests from itching while you enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!

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