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Some Yard Tips for Cumming Mosquito Control

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Some Yard Tips for Cumming Mosquito Control

As the warmer months approach in Cumming, Georgia, you're probably looking forward to spending more time in your backyard. But, there's a certain buzzing nuisance that might dampen your outdoor enjoyment: mosquitoes. Thankfully, there are several steps you can take to implement mosquito control on your own.

Planting Mosquito-Repelling Plants

One of the simplest ways to discourage mosquitoes from approaching your property is by filling your garden with plants they dislike. Here are a few that thrive in Cumming's climate:

Citronella: Often used in mosquito-repelling candles, this plant emits a strong aroma that mosquitoes can't stand.

Lavender: Despite its lovely scent and beautiful purple flowers, mosquitoes and other pests tend to avoid it.

Lemon Balm: This is a hardy plant that grows well in a variety of climates and is known for its mosquito-repelling properties.

Marigolds: These colorful flowers contain Pyrethrum, a compound used in many insect repellents.

Basil: A dual-purpose option, basil helps repel mosquitoes and is a great addition to your kitchen.

Rosemary: Another great option for those who like to use rosemary in their cooking, this herb is great for dissuading mosquitoes from approaching.

In addition to planting various herbs and flowers, other yard maintenance components are key to keeping the mosquito population under control on your property.

Yard maintenance is key to Cumming mosquito control

Maintaining your yard starts with the basics, including keeping your grass and shrubs trimmed. Long grass and overgrown shrubs provide mosquitoes with a cool, damp environment that they favor. Regularly mowing your lawn, trimming your shrubs, and removing overgrown vegetation can disrupt this habitat and mosquitoes’ life cycles. Debris such as fallen leaves, grass clippings, and other plant matter can also accumulate in your yard, creating pockets of moisture where mosquitoes love to lay their eggs. Making a habit of clearing out this debris will help eliminate potential mosquito breeding grounds.

Next, it's essential to keep your gutters clean. If leaves and other debris clog your gutters, they can trap water, forming a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. Regular gutter cleaning, especially after the fall leaf drop and after heavy rains, can help ensure water flows freely and doesn't create a mosquito-friendly environment.

Removing Standing Water is great for mosquito control in Cumming

One of the most effective ways to control mosquitoes is by eliminating sources of standing water. Mosquitoes need water to breed, and they can lay their eggs in as little as an inch of water. Scan your yard for any objects that can collect water - this includes flowerpots, buckets, bird baths, and even children's toys. Empty these objects regularly, particularly after rain, to disrupt the mosquito life cycle. If you have a pond or birdbath you can't empty, consider adding a water agitator to make the water less attractive to these pests

Professional mosquito control: The ultimate defense

These DIY methods are effective in reducing mosquito populations, but they won’t provide a thorough defense. Mosquitoes are persistent, and a few missed breeding spots can lead to a resurgence. This is where professional mosquito control comes in. At Mosquito Squad of Greater Atlanta, we offer a comprehensive approach that targets adult mosquitoes and also targets potential breeding sites to interrupt the mosquito lifecycle. With the help of our mosquito barrier treatments, we can guarantee up to an 85% reduction in the mosquito population on your property!

Remember, mosquito control is not just about your comfort. Mosquitoes are known carriers of various diseases like West Nile virus, so taking steps to control their populations in your yard can help defend the health and well-being of your entire community. Embrace the upcoming warm months with confidence. Cumming mosquito control from Mosquito Squad of Greater Atlanta is essential to keep your property enjoyable through the summer. Give us a call at (704) 504-4494 today!

Also read our service page: Cumming Mosquito Control Company

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