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How to Remove a Tick from a Dog

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

How to Remove a Tick from a Dog

You've just returned from an afternoon hike with your dog and noticed that a tick has attached itself to your furry companion. Removing a tick from your best friend might not be easy, but keep calm and gather your supplies before you get to work. You'll have it gone in an instant!

Steps on How to Remove a Tick from a Dog

When trying to remove ticks from your dog, exercise caution around their eyes, mouth, and ears. Don't hesitate to contact your vet for advice if you see that your dog is showing signs of discomfort due to the location of the tick.

You can use treats to help distract and reward your dog throughout the tick removal process. Ticks may be removed from dogs with tweezers or a dedicated tick removal instrument such as the "Tick Tornado" from ZenPet.

Detaching Ticks using Tweezers

These are the measures to take if you want to use tweezers to remove a tick:

Grab the tick as close to your dog's skin as you can. It's best if you don't pinch your dog. In addition, avoid crushing the tick by using too much pressure since this will only make removal more challenging.

Carefully and steadily work to remove the tick from your dog's skin. When removing the tick, avoid jerking or twisting your hand. You'll want to keep the head of the tick connected to its body when you remove it from your dog, though this is not always possible.

Once the tick has been extracted from your dog's skin, you should check it to ensure it has been completely removed. See below for more details if the head is still attached.

Methods for Removing Ticks with a Special Instrument

Use a tick removal instrument, such as the Tick Tornado, as described below.

Put the tick's body in the notch of the instrument and "hook" it gently.

Detach the tick from the skin by rotating the instrument clockwise or counterclockwise (do not pull on the tick while it is still attached).

Once the tick has disengaged from the skin, it may be removed by lifting it off.

Verify that the entire tick has been extracted from your dog's skin by inspecting it.

The Tick's Head Is Stuck in Your Dog's Skin: What to Do?

There is no need to worry if the tick's head remains stuck in your dog's skin after removing the body.

There is no need to attempt to remove the tick's head from your dog's skin. This will just make the skin more irritated, inflamed, and vulnerable to infection.

Your best bet is to take your furry friend to the vet so they can pull the tick out completely.

What to Do with a Tick After Removal?

When you've finished securely removing a tick, put it in a jar or other sealed container filled with rubbing alcohol. The tick can be killed by soaking.

Many vets advise keeping the tick in the container if your dog starts to act sick. Because various tick species carry different illnesses, having your vet identify the tick in question can sometimes aid in making a diagnosis.

Cleaning and Disinfection

Once the tick has been removed, you may treat the bite.

Use soap and water to gently scrub the area where the tick attached itself. Alternatively, you can spray the affected region with a pet-safe wound cleaner.

Keep an eye on the spot where the tick adhered itself. Seek emergency veterinary care if you observe any signs of irritation or redness.

How to Avoid Future Bites

Always use a preventative treatment for fleas and ticks on your dog. To help control ticks in your yard, follow the 6 C's of Tick Control by Mosquito Squad. Following these tips will help reduce the population of ticks in your yard, but to ensure that your family and pets are safe, call Mosquito Squad of the Greater Atlanta Area today for tick control services.

Call the Pros for Tick Control

Removing ticks from pets or humans as soon as possible and the proper way is crucial. Help yourself reduce the tick population in your yard by following the 6 C's of tick control. Call Mosquito Squad of Greater Atlanta for a free quote at (770) 504-4494.

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