Summer Ending Mosquitoes
Posted by Mosquito Squad
December 19, 2023

Now that the summer of 2012 has come to an end most people tend to think that mosquitoes are not going to be such a big deal anymore.
This year may be a little different with all the stories of West Nile Virus in the news everyday and now Michigan is in the top 5 for states with the most cases.
So, even though the nights are getting shorter and cooler and the kids are back in school and maybe you are not spending as much time outdoors as you used to, the mosquitoes are still around and will be until we get a good frost. Now is not the time to forget about practicing the 5-T’s.

If anything you should be even more concerned now than you were at the height of the summer.
The fall season is also a time where we see an uptick in the number of ticks that are around, don’t forget that we also can treat your yard to get rid of these little pests also.
If you have forgotten what our 5-T’s are you can always give Mosquito Squad of Grand Rapids a call at 616-662-1103 and we will be more than happy to discuss the steps you can take to make your yard less appealing to mosquitoes for the late summer/fall season.