Frisco and McKinney Pest Treatment Packages
What are you doing with your yard and home? Who is the one who spends the most time in outdoor activities? What kinds of insects pose the greatest source of trouble for you?
In Mosquito Squad, we have created pest control solutions that fulfill the most basic requirements of our customers. Each package comes with our unique protection against mosquitoes, bugs, and insects, and, each one is also specifically designed to fight other pests that are likely to bother you! From pet owners to swimming pool, we've got you covered. Take a look at the following list and give us a number to inform us of the package you'd like to purchase. We'll send you a customized quote for the area of your property.
Pet Protection Treatment
Insects: Ticks, Gnats, Flies, & Mosquitoes
A complete yard treatment, the objective of this program is to deter insects that can be attracted by your yard due to the presence of pets. Your pets and your dogs are part of your family. You should ensure that they have fun in their spaces without the itchy bug bites. Additionally, reduce the chances of pulling ticks that are disgusting off your pet

Ticks and fleas can cause several diseases in your beloved pets. These diseases can also be transmitted to human beings, like you and your family.
If your yard is not maintained with proper pest control, ticks and fleas can infect your home and loved ones.
Talk to your veterinarian about how proper pest control can help to avoid these diseases that your pet may be exposed to in your backyard.
Contact Mosquito Squad (972) 521-3799 to Protect Your Pets
Exterior Pool Pest Control Treatment
Insects: Wasps, Gnats, Flies, & Mosquitoes
For owners of pools there are a lot of unwanted pests that creep from the lawn and onto the deck, and then make their way into the furniture in your lounge and in the pool. If you enroll in the plan for your pool, we'll treat the entire area on the deck of the pool to rid the deck of tiny mites and other pests that are attracted to your water.

If you love spending your summer afternoons in the pool, Contact Mosquito Squad (972) 521-3799
Montessori Pest Control Treatment
Insects: Ticks, Gnats, Flies, Spiders & Mosquitoes
Pests like flies, ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, and even birds can carry harmful diseases that can cause your students, staff, and guests to get sick. Pests can hide inside school lockers, classrooms, cafeterias, gyms, and exterior areas like the dumpster, athletic fields, or general landscape. School buses can also present unique challenges as they can carry pests from anywhere.

With the variety of things, you have to deal with every day at school, you've used the unpredictability of life. However, there's no time to wait for interruptions caused by pests or even the service provider who is unable to make it work.
Call Mosquito Squad (972) 521-3799 to Make the Grades of your Students
Restaurant Pest Control Treatment
Insects: Ticks, Gnats, Flies, Ants, Spiders & Mosquitoes
Flies, Spiders, Mosquitos’ insects, and other pests should not be within your dining establishment. Pest infestations can impede the safety of food, and result in establishments failing health inspections and eventually closing. Furthermore, negative online reviews related to pest infestations could seriously influence the image of your business.

Call Mosquito Squad (972) 521-3799 to have a wonderful environment for your Customers