Professor of Entomology Says Warm Winter Likely Will Result in More Ticks and Mosquitoes
Posted by Mosquito Squad
December 19, 2023

An article on indicates that the warm winter we are experiencing in 2011-2012 will cause an “explosion of ticks and mosquitoes.” The article quotes Jody Gangloff-Kaufmann, a professor of entomology and a specialist with the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program. She says that if the winter remains mild “This year, lots and lots of hungry ticks will emerge even on warm winter days. I anticipate the mosquito problems we normally see to be much more intense and begin earlier than usual if the weather continues to be mild. Even the fleas have had a boost so far this winter and many people are complaining about flea problems right now, in the middle of winter.” Professor Gnagloff-Kaufmann is not the only authority to say that a mild winter will mean more ticks and mosquitoes. In 2006, the Associated Press reported that experts in New Hampshire said “The wet fall followed by a mild winter tends to mean more mosquitoes, he said. A rainy spring would make things worse.” Most people remember that the fall of 2011 was very wet in Frederick, MD and this has been a mild winter. Be prepared for lots of ticks and mosquitoes in the region. Our pest control solution has proven to be effective in controlling those and other insects.