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  • Experts Predict that a hot summer will lead to more mosquitoes

Experts Predict that a hot summer will lead to more mosquitoes

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 19, 2023

An article in the Deseret News out of Utah made an interesting observation about the mosquito population there and the threat of West Nile Virus.  The article said that in Utah they had experienced a wet spring followed by what appears to be a hot summer.  In May Utah officials detected West Nile Virus in mosquitoes in that state.  They fear that the hot summer will cause more mosquitoes to be present in the state, putting more residents at risk of getting West Nile Virus.  The article claims that most mosquitoes that can carry West Nile Virus are biting during the late evening or early morning.   To read the article, click here.

Maryland residents may be interested to know that the day feeding Asian Tiger mosquito is a known potential carrier of West Nile Virus and other diseases.  The Asian Tiger mosquito is a small, black mosquito with white stripes.  West Nile Virus has been detected in Middletown, MD in recent years.