When Are Yellowjackets Most Active?
Posted by Mosquito Squad
September 27, 2024
This question can be answered in a couple of ways.
Generally, yellowjackets are most active between the months of August and October, as they breed faster in hot weather. As for their daily activity, they are most active from late morning through late afternoon. This means if you are enjoying time outdoors between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., you could be sharing space with these aggressive pests.
Are yellow jackets bees?
Yellowjackets are wasps, as are hornets. No matter which family they belong to, they are a most unwanted pest in late summer. Did you know that yellow jackets can sting repeatedly, as they do not lose their stingers after striking? Did you know that when yellowjackets go on the defensive and begin to sting, they release a chemical that alerts other wasps to help defend their nest? This means you could be a yellowjacket sting victim many times over with one encounter.
Are yellowjacket stings dangerous?
Stings from a yellowjacket can be dangerous, depending on the situation. A typical yellow jacket sting will produce intense pain, which can become severe within a couple of hours. If no adverse reactions occur, the typical healing time from a yellowjacket sting is three days to a week.
Additionally, their stings can result in an allergic reaction. Being stung by a yellowjacket once can produce hypersensitivity to future sting, which could result in a sever reaction.
Where do yellow jackets go in the winter?
As temperatures cool at the end of fall, yellow jackets will become inactive. Their activity slows around 50°F and they will begin seeking shelter for the cooler months. Freezing weather will kill yellow jackets that are exposed to the elements. However, if they find ample shelter inside a wall void, attic, or any temperature-controlled space, they will survive winter and continue growing their nest. One yellowjacket nest can hold between 1,000 and 5,000 pests!
Can you get rid of yellowjackets?
You can get rid of yellowjackets, but there are ways to dissuade yellow jacket activity on your property. These include making sure that food remnants are not left exposed outside your home or in open garbage bins. Be sure that all food waste is properly contained in a garbage bag before placing it inside an outdoor covered bin. Yellow jackets are drawn to sugar and protein – sweets and meats are big attractants for these pests.
If yellow jackets have set up house and home in your private living spaces, call Mosquito Squad for effective El Paso pest control for yellow jackets, wasps, and hornets.
Search pest control El Paso and choose Mosquito Squad.
Mosquito Squad of El Paso is ready to serve you with our effective yellow jacket pest control services, including mosquito control, fire ant control, gnat control, fly control, and scorpion control. We also treat no-see-ums, ticks, and other outdoor pests. Find out more about our pest control in El Paso - get in touch with Mosquito Squad today by filling out our form online or calling us at (915) 800-0343 for a free pest assessment and quote.