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Are Gnat Bites Like Mosquito Bites?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

May 29, 2024

Are Gnat Bites Like Mosquito Bites?

Mosquitoes pierce the skin with their mouth part, called a proboscis, to suck blood from their targets.

Gnats use their mouth parts like scissors to cut the skin to administer a blood thinner through their saliva to make it easier to digest the blood. Though different in the methods used to break the skin, their bites have the same purpose. Both female mosquitoes and gnats bite to obtain a blood meal to fertilize their eggs.

Are gnat bites dangerous?

Gnat bites are not usually dangerous. Like flies, gnats can be spreaders of filth from a number of things, including animal carcasses and rotting foods. Therefore, a gnat bite could spread those bacteria to the bite target, causing an infection.

There is also a chance that a person could be allergic to the bite from a gnat. If you believe that you are experiencing an allergic reaction after being bitten by any insect, seek immediate treatment.

Are gnat bites painful?

Because gnats tear at the skin for access to blood, and because they must ingest more blood than a mosquito, their bites can be more painful. You might feel a pinching or stinging sensation with a bite from a gnat – or bites from a swarm of gnats.

Are gnat bites itchy?

Gnat bites can leave welts, swollen and red areas, which can be extremely itchy. This result is your body’s reaction to the gnat’s saliva, used as an anticoagulant when they take your blood. Like any type of red, itchy pest bite, you can wash the area with warm soapy water, and apply hydrocortisone cream to reduce the possibility of infection and control itching. The bite should go away in a few days.

If you have a gnat bite or other pest bite, which persists for more than a week or two, and becomes very swollen and red, you should seek medical attention.

Search for pest control El Paso and call Mosquito Squad.

Mosquito Squad of El Paso is ready to help you fight gnats, mosquitoes, and more with one or a combination of our highly effective El Paso pest control services. These include tick control, scorpion control, fire ant control, and more! Find out more about our pest control in El Paso - get in touch with Mosquito Squad of El Paso by filling out our form online  or calling us at (915) 800-0343 for a free quote.

Also read: How do I get rid of gnats outside?

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