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Aphid Control: Traditional and Natural Solutions

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 19, 2023

Aphid Control: Traditional and Natural Solutions

Controlling aphids can be daunting, but we have solutions, including natural aphid control that is guaranteed to work.

Aphids get out of control quickly, because they reproduce at alarming rates. One aphid can produce 80 more aphids, and they mature in just over a week. In a couple of weeks, your flower and food gardens could harbor thousands of aphids, all descended from the few that you noticed at first. And much like their pest counterparts, such as fleas, aphids might go unnoticed until an actual infestation is at-hand. Mosquito Squad of El Paso offers guaranteed aphid control to keep your gardens blooming beautifully.

Aphid Control Barrier Protection Spray

Our aphid control barrier protection spray delivers outstanding results. It is backed by a team of pest control technicians that understands what it takes to reduce the aphid population at your home.

To learn about your aphid problem, we send our technicians to your home. We meet with you to discuss your aphid problem. Also, we walk around your home and identify any problem areas where aphids are present. We may find many aphids are destroying plants across your home. From here, we make a plan to apply our barrier protection spray to any problem areas.

Our team takes as much time as needed to perform our aphid control barrier protection treatment. When we're done, you should expect results that last up to 21 days.

Following your initial barrier protection treatment, we can return to your home at regular intervals to reapply our spray. This enables you to minimize the aphid population at your home in the months to come.

Natural Aphid Control Via Weed Control

Aphids can live, feed, and multiply on weeds and dead plant material. Therefore, Mosquito Squad of El Paso offers weed control solutions to augment our traditional and natural aphid control services. Our trained technicians will eliminate weeds and dead materials in your landscaped areas, such as those with mulch or gravel, hitting aphids at their source of food and shelter. There is no additional charge for our weed control service when we are treating your yard for aphids!

Call on Mosquito Squad of El Paso for aphid control. Fill out our form online or call us at (915) 800-0343 for a free quote.

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