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Why Do I Need Tick Control in Denver?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

September 6, 2024

Even here in Colorado, ticks can be a big problem during the warmer months of the year. Though they often go by unnoticed, with bites that usually cause neither pain nor itchiness, they commonly spread diseases that can range in severity from mild to very serious. With Mosquito Squad, you can help manage tick problems in Colorado with help from Mosquito Squad.

Why Is Denver Tick Control Important?

From April through October or even November, ticks are as prevalent here in Denver as they are across most of the rest of the contiguous United States. These months are when your risk for exposure to tick-borne disease is at its highest. Each disease is marked by different signs, and each may result in significant complications. Tick-borne diseases in Denver include but are not limited to the following:

Colorado Tick Fever

Unique to Colorado, this disease is Colorado’s most common tick-borne disease. (Surprisingly, another tick-borne illness, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, is actually quite rare in the area!) It is spread by Rocky Mountain wood ticks. Symptoms typically appear 1-14 days after a bite and include fever, chills, headache, body aches, and fatigue. Most cases resolve on their own, but recovery can take weeks. If the virus makes it to the central nervous system, the consequences can be life-threatening.

Lyme Disease

The black-legged tick, also more commonly known as the deer tick, spreads what is known as the most widespread tick-borne disease in the country. Initially, symptoms may manifest as a distinctive bullseye-shaped rash (in roughly 80% of symptomatic individuals) accompanied by fever, fatigue, and joint pain. The effects of Lyme can linger long after the initial infection, with potential complications affecting joints, nerves, and various body systems.


Known to affect many types of animals as well as humans, this bacterial infection is characterized by symptoms that include fever, skin ulcers, and swollen lymph glands, among others. These symptoms usually manifest within 3 to 5 days of a tick bite.

Tick-borne Relapsing Fever

Symptoms include recurring episodes of fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, and nausea. These cycles of fever can last for several days, followed by periods without fever. Treatment typically involves antibiotics to effectively manage the infection.

Where Are Ticks Most Often Found?

The most frequent places you’ll find ticks include areas with tall grass or in brush, as well as wooded areas. The edges of fields and woodlands are prime tick hotspots, as well as the perimeter of your yard or along paths. In your backyard, ticks may hide out in shady and humid locations such as stone walls and woodpiles. Overgrown vegetation and leaf litter make for ideal breeding conditions, so keeping your yard well-groomed can help you avoid them. By avoiding these areas and treating them with a tick control spray, you can significantly reduce your risk of exposure to ticks and the potential for tick-borne illnesses.

How Can I Manage Ticks in Denver?

There are some things you can do to help mitigate your risk of tick bites. To start, you should:

  1. Keep your grass mowed short
  2. Clear yard debris promptly
  3. Clear out potential tick hiding spots
  4. Install deer barriers and plant foliage that doesn’t attract deers
  5. Wear long sleeves and use repellents outdoors
  6. Check thoroughly for ticks after outdoor activities
  7. Keep pets on tick prevention medication

If you really want to say goodbye to ticks, your best option is our powerful tick control treatment. This treatment will reduce ticks dramatically after application and keep them away, especially with regular reapplication throughout the season through our subscription plan. If you’re planning an outdoor gathering and want to make sure ticks steer clear of your guests, ask about our special event sprays!

Choose Mosquito Squad for Denver Tick Control

Tick season is still going strong. Don’t wait! Contact us today for a free quote by calling (720) 500-8064 or filling out our online contact form.

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