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Elm Seed Bugs Are in the News, but Mosquito Squad Can Help Keep Them Out of Your Home!

Posted by Mosquito Squad

June 26, 2024

If you’ve read about the recent surge of Elm Seed Bugs in the Fort Collins area, you may find yourself concerned about protecting your home or business – and rightfully so.  As these bugs continue to invade homes and businesses in our community and beyond, it’s crucial to understand the nature of the problem so that you can determine how to effectively help protect your family. The good news is you won’t have to do it alone: Mosquito Squad of Fort Collins is ready to help.

What You Need to Know About Elm Seed Bugs

Elm seed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects that are typically found in or around elm trees. These pests are native to Europe but have become increasingly prevalent in various parts of the United States, including Colorado, where there are many elm trees. They are particularly active during the summer months and can be a major nuisance for homeowners due to their tendency to invade indoor spaces and the fact that they smell badly if hurt.

How Do I Keep Elm Seed Bugs Out of My Home?

If you’re worried about elm seed bugs in your home, you can take some preventative measures to be sure you’re protected. Some things you can do easily include:

  • Seal all cracks, gaps, and openings in your home’s exterior. Pay special attention to windows, doors, and any other entry points.
  • Install screens on windows and doors that you may leave open.
  • Reduce the outdoor lighting around your property, or use yellow bug lights.


Regular inspections from Mosquito Squad can help you identify any other potential vulnerabilities. And if you see elm seed bugs, we can help you tackle the infestation!

Do Elm Seed Bugs Bite?

While they can be frustrating or even cause structural damage to a home, one thing you don’t have to worry about with elm seed bugs is biting. They do not feed on human blood or sting as a defense mechanism, so this shouldn’t be a concern.

Do Elm Seed Bugs Harbor Disease?

Since they don’t bite humans or animals, elm seed bugs are different from other pests that may pose a disease risk. Elm seed bugs are not known to harbor diseases, but they can cause discomfort, stress, or even damage to your home.

How Long Is Elm Seed Bug Season?

Like many other insects, elm seed bugs thrive in warm and humid weather. Their peak season is from June to early fall, though they may appear as early as April when the weather warms up. This is the time when elm seed bugs are most active, but even they need a break from the heat, so this is also when they are most likely to seek shelter inside your home. The best preventative measures start just before this time period starts and throughout the summer and fall.

How Mosquito Squad Can Help

Mosquito Squad is proud to be the nation’s first mosquito control company, but we are also much more. Our Fort Collins branch is locally owned and operated by people who know the community well and are familiar with elm seed bugs, offering elm seed bug control services to the Fort Collins area.


At Mosquito Squad, we develop tailored treatment plans based on the specific needs of your home and the severity of the infestation. This means that if you are looking for preventative measures, we can conduct an assessment and help you create a barrier around your home; if you are struggling with an elm seed bug infestation, we can help you reduce the number of pests and find peace of mind. Our services are designed to not only minimize existing infestations but also prevent future ones, giving you long-lasting results.


All of our services are backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee – if you don’t see the expected results of your treatment, we will perform a second application at no cost.


With Mosquito Squad, you can rest easy knowing that your home is in good hands. Don’t let these pests take over your home – call (720) 500-8064 today for a free quote and experience the difference with Mosquito Squad.

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