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Highlands Ranch

Family enjoying a backyard barbecue: A man is grilling food on a barbecue, while a woman and a young girl prepare the table


Living in Colorado is already wonderful, but living in Highlands Ranch is like winning the jackpot of Colorado living – you’ve got the scenery, the perfect blend of suburban comfort and outdoor adventure, and of course, the ever-present sun. But let’s face it, nothing puts a damper on your backyard BBQ faster than a swarm of mosquitoes or a surprise tick hitchhiker.

That’s where we come in. At Mosquito Squad, we’re your go-to pest-control team, ready to help you reclaim your yard from the uninvited guests.

Highlands Ranch Mosquito Control

Summer in Highlands Ranch means sunshine, blue skies, and sometimes, endless mosquitoes, or at least what feels like it! These little buzzers multiply faster than you can say “mosquito bite,” turning your outdoor oasis into their personal playground. But don’t worry – we’ve got the knowledge to stop them in their tracks.

To start out, we focus on targeting breeding spots like standing water where mosquitoes usually congregate. Once we’ve created a less cozy environment for new mosquitoes, we apply our mosquito control treatments that can reduce population by up to 85-90% for up to 21 days.

Looking for something a bit more on the natural side? We’ve got essential-oil based treatments that also last up to 21 days and give you the same peace of mind.

Highlands Ranch Tick Control 

Highlands Ranch is a great place to explore the outdoors, but that also makes it prime tick territory. If you’ve ever done a “tick check” after a hike, you know the drill. But here’s the thing – by the time you find a tick, it might already be too late to avoid the nasty stuff they carry. That’s why Mosquito Squad of Highlands Ranch offers tick control services that stop these creepy crawlers before they latch on.

We start by scouting out your property to find those tick hotspots – you know, the places they like to hide out, like leaf piles or wooded areas. Then, we apply treatments that take care of the ticks that are already there, giving you one less thing to worry about.

Wasp, Hornet, & Yellowjacket Control in Highlands Ranch, CO

Ever hear someone say, “Don’t poke the hornet’s nest”? Yeah, there’s a reason for that. Hornets, wasps, and yellowjackets don’t mess around when their nest is under attack. One wrong move and you’re looking at a bunch of stings, and let’s be honest, nobody’s got time for that – especially if you’re allergic.

Instead of trying to play it cool with a broom, why not let us handle it? Mosquito Squad of Highlands Ranch can carefully remove those nests, so you don’t have to risk it. We’ll even help you make sure they don’t come back.

Other Pest Control in Highlands Ranch, CO 

Got a farm in Highlands Ranch? Then you know that pests aren’t just a problem for your backyard BBQ—they can be a real headache for your livestock too. Flies, mites, and other creepy crawlies love to make themselves at home on your animals, causing stress, discomfort, and even health issues. But don’t worry, Mosquito Squad’s here to keep your herd happy. We offer tailored treatments that target those pesky invaders without harming your animals, so you can keep your focus on the fun stuff—like tending to your farm and enjoying the great outdoors.

But we don’t stop there. Whether it’s ants turning your picnic into their own buffet, boxelder bugs cozying up in your living room, or grasshoppers treating your garden like a salad bar, Mosquito Squad of Highlands Ranch has the solutions you need.

Why Mosquito Squad of Highlands Ranch, CO?

Picking the right pest control team doesn’t have to be a chore. Since 2005, we’ve been helping folks just like you, with over 2 million treatments under our belt and a whole lot of happy customers to prove it. We’re so confident in what we do that we back it up with a 100% satisfaction guarantee – because we’re not happy unless you are.

Ready to take your yard back? Give Mosquito Squad of Highlands Ranch a call today, and let’s get you on the path to a better outdoor life!



If you are not fully satisfied with your Mosquito Control or Misting System, contact your Mosquito Squad office and we will make it right!

About Our Guarantee Cartoon 'Dread Skeeter' in white shirt and cargo pants with a mosquito fogger, ready for pest control.
Two smiling Mosquito Squad technicians in green uniforms with backpack sprayers, ready for service in a residential area.