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What Makes Flies So Gross?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

August 26, 2024

Throughout our lifetimes we’ve always heard about how unsanitary flies can be, but how bad are these pests where hygiene is involved? While they might seem relatively clean from a macro perspective, the truth is far different at the micro-scale. These pests are incredibly dirty, necessitating professional help if they get out of hand on your property.

Why Cincinnati Fly Control is an Important Consideration

The answer is clear: flies don’t belong anywhere near you and your living spaces. Why? These pests aren’t inherently gross, but their feeding and breeding behaviors are. Flies, particularly filth flies, rely on garbage, feces, and dead animals to feed and provide their offspring with nutrients. Due to the frequent contact these flying pests have with the filthiest parts of our local environment, it goes without saying that these pests need to be defended against. Flies can compromise the hygienic integrity of your outdoor spaces by contaminating food, eating surfaces, and anything else they encounter. In particular, food and eating surfaces should be defended against flies because flies feed by regurgitating digestive fluids and eating the dissolved food matter. This behavior shouldn’t be permitted near your home or outdoor living spaces.

Whom to Rely on for Fly Control in Cincinnati

Flies are one of many pests that should be kept from interfering with your outdoor living spaces. To adequately contend with these pests, consider our professional fly control services at Mosquito Squad of East Cincinnati – NKY. Our Cincinnati fly control treatments are exceptionally effective when applied by our highly trained technicians who understand how to help defend your property’s interior and target any areas where flies might be living and breeding. Backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee, you can rest assured the fly population on your property will experience a dramatic reduction for as long as our treatments remain effective, about three weeks apiece.

By fighting flies in the outdoors, you reduce the likelihood that they can disrupt your outdoor lifestyle and make their way into your home. With our help, you can set these worries aside.

Cincinnati fly control improves hygiene and the outdoor living experience. Rely on Mosquito Squad of East Cincinnati – NKY for powerful fly solutions. Give us a call today at (513) 666-5354 to learn more about us or to sign up for your first treatment. We look forward to hearing from you!