When the Mosquito Population Is More Active, so Is Mosquito Squad of Columbia
Posted by Mosquito Squad
October 19, 2015
Normally, our mosquito season here in Columbia, South Carolina would be winding down and we would be closing up shop until the spring. However, due to the recent monstrous amounts of precipitation and extremely mild weather we’re experiencing, it appears we will be performing our mosquito control duties well into the month of December. As long as mosquitoes are breeding and feeding, expect to see us out Fighting the Bite every day.
Not only do mosquitoes put a damper on nearly all of your outdoor activities, but they also can carry West Nile virus and a multitude of other diseases. The recent flooding has allowed for pools of water to form in thousands of locations in Columbia and the surrounding area. These pools of water will inevitably result in a sort of “post-flood baby boom” of the mosquito population. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of newly hatched mosquitoes will be out and searching for first blood meal. While we have experienced a slight cold snap, the temperatures are expected to be in the eighties this coming Friday; this is not enough time to put even a dent in the mosquito population. It truly appears that the possibility of seeing mosquito activity here in Columbia SC on Christmas day is very real.
While seeing mosquito activity that’s quite considerable through Thanksgiving and Christmas is unusual, and in fact a near anomaly, you can expect to see Mosquito Squad of Columbia ridding yards of these pesky, annoying, potentially disease carrying pests. As long as the mosquitoes are out, so too will we. You can count on us to make sure your yard isn’t a breeding ground for these pests. We can help you take your yard back so you can enjoy the outdoors for all your cookouts and holiday gatherings. Keep calm, and call the squad!
To keep your yard completely free of the potential swarm of mosquitoes in the upcoming weeks and months ahead, call Mosquito Squad of Columbia today.