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Season-Long Mosquito Control is Just a Call Away!

Posted by Mosquito Squad

March 26, 2018

While we’ve been enjoying relatively cool temperatures this year, the warm weather will be here in just a matter of a day or two. Warm temperatures in combination with increased precipitation mean an increase in the mosquito population. The increase in the mosquito population isn’t limited to distant, remote areas; in fact, the mosquito population within your very own yard is likely to skyrocket. If you have standing water in your yard, then you have a mosquito breeding ground. The good news is that Mosquito Squad of Columbia is here to ensure that your yard is free of pesky, biting mosquitoes all season long! Call today at (803) 219-8621.

Once the warm weather has arrived, you’re undoubtedly going to want to enjoy time outdoors. However, if you’re constantly being bitten by mosquitoes while trying to relax in the evenings, or during your weekend cookout, it’s unlikely to be very relaxing. At Mosquito Squad of Columbia, we can reduce the mosquito population in your yard by 85% – 90% and we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you’re still experiencing mosquito activity in your yard after a barrier application, simply call us back and we’ll come back to reapply our barrier protection. Mosquito Squad is unlike other so-called “mosquito control” companies here in Columbia and surrounding areas. We won’t rest until your yard is a mosquito-free zone.

So, put away the citronella candles and the bug repellent and call the mosquito control experts at Mosquito Squad of Columbia today!. You can reach us by calling us at (803) 219-8621 or emailing us at We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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