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Mosquito Squad of Columbia Guards You Against the Tick That Carries Lyme Disease

Posted by Mosquito Squad

March 29, 2012

Spring has sprung, and with the warmer temperatures and mild winter we are getting reports that ticks have already begun to make an appearance in our area. Ticks are not only bothersome, they are also quite dangerous to people and pets. Ticks are known vectors of many illnesses and diseases including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis,  and Tularemia just to name a few. Now is the time to guard yourself, your family and your beloved pets against the dangers ticks carry.

Tick borne illnesses are spread through the bite of an infected tick. Lyme disease in particular is generally spread through the bite of an infected deer tick. The disease is perpetuated by way of mice that carry the ticks back to their nests where they feed off the mice are free to mature and potentially come in contact with our children, our pets and ourselves.

One way in which you can reduce your risk of coming into contact with a tick infected with a tick-borne illness and disease, and especially Lyme disease  is to implement a tick tube program on your property through using Mosquito Squad – an experienced and qualified applicator. Tick tubes are small tubes that are filled with cotton balls that have been treated with a mild insecticide. The tubes are set out along your property. The mice that the deer tick use as “couriers” will take the treated cotton from the tubing to build, or “feather” their nests. In doing so, the treated cotton will kill the potentially hazardous deer tick and halt any further transference of the tick and the Lyme disease it can carry. The insecticide used in tick tubes is safe for the mice, but deadly for the ticks. The mice get a little help for their nests and the ticks are eliminated. It is a win/win situation.  Research shows that using tick tubes on your property can reduce your chance of exposure to an infected by up to 97%.

Mosquito Squad of Columbia offers tick tubes as part of our tick control service. To get the maximum benefit we advise one application now (in the Spring) and another at the end of the tick season in the fall. It is a simple and highly effective answer to a difficult and possibly deadly problem. We also offer barrier sprays which kill other ticks that may be harboring illness and disease, these can be applied on regular intervals throughout the season.

We also safeguard your property ( and your outdoor living) from mosquitoes, fire ants, fleas, spiders, and flies too, Call us today for a free quote.