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Make Sure You & Your Family Have Mosquito Protection for the Next Three Months!

Posted by Mosquito Squad

August 22, 2017

If you live in Columbia, SC, or surrounding areas and are still getting eaten alive by mosquitoes when you’re trying to relax outdoors, there’s still plenty of time to sign up for mosquito control. By calling us now and signing up for our 3-month mosquito treatment special, your yard will be free of mosquitoes for the rest of the season! Mosquito Squad of Columbia is the premier mosquito control company in our area and we’re here to help you take your yard back!

If you think that mosquito season is almost over just because Fall will be here in less than a month, think again. If you’ve lived here in Columbia, SC, for long enough, then you know that it doesn’t begin to cool off until around November. Warm temperatures and rainfall mean mosquitoes can breed. All it takes is a pool of water the size of a bottle cap for mosquitoes to breed in the hundreds. In short, mosquito season here in Columbia, SC, usually starts in late February and ends in November. That’s not to say there aren’t still mosquitoes in December and even early February, but just not in the large, swarming numbers that are present from March through November.

We believe you should be able to enjoy your yard no matter what time of day or year it is. That’s precisely why we’re so popular in Columbia, Lexington, Blythewood, Irmo, Elgin and surrounding areas. Mosquitoes are the deadliest animals on the planet. They’ve thrived for millions of years and have an incredible ability to adapt in order to survive. Seeing as how our climate is quite tropical here in Columbia, it’s of the utmost importance that you rely on a professional mosquito control expert in order to keep your yard mosquito free.

To find out about our 3-month special and keep your yard mosquito free for the remainder of mosquito season, call Mosquito Squad of Columbia today at F:P:Sub:Phone}, email us at or fill out the form below. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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