Keep Your Yard Mosquito Free While School Is Out!
Posted by Mosquito Squad
June 5, 2018
If you’re like most, you’re looking forward to the end of the school year. It’s finally time to spend days on end out in the yard or by the pool. However, if your yard is a breeding ground for mosquitoes, then it’s going to be quite difficult to enjoy anything. If you want to keep your yard free of mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas all summer long, just pick up the phone and call Mosquito Squad of Columbia today at (877) 332-2239! We will reduce the mosquito population in your yard by up to 90%.
Make Sure the Kids Aren’t Mosquito Meals!
If, after a long day of playing in the yard, your kids are coming indoors covered in mosquito bites, then Mosquito Squad of Columbia can help. Through our highly effective barrier application, we’ll knock down existing mosquitoes and everyone can go back out and enjoy the yard just 30 minutes after we’ve finished. Furthermore, our barrier application will have a residual effect that will continue to eliminate mosquitoes that land in your yard for up to three weeks. Even better, our patented mosquito control solution will withstand rain once it has dried. If you’re looking for the best summertime mosquito control in Columbia, Lexington, Cayce, Chapin, and surrounding areas, call Mosquito Squad of Columbia today!
With all the recent rain we’ve experienced, the mosquito population is certainly about to explode. Warm temperatures and standing water create the opportunity for thousands upon thousands of additional mosquitoes. If your yard has standing water, is next to a marshy area, or your neighbors have standing water, then mosquitoes are going to find you. At Mosquito Squad of Columbia, we’re thoroughly trained to look out for these potential mosquito hotspots and eliminate them. It’s why we’re the guaranteed mosquito control company since 2005!
To make sure you’re able to enjoy your back, front and side yard all summer long without constant annoying, biting mosquitoes, call Mosquito Squad of Columbia today at (877) 332-2239 or email us at