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How You Can Help to Wipe out Malaria

Posted by Mosquito Squad

April 24, 2014

Friday April 25th, 2014 is World Malaria Day, a day created by the World Health Organization (WHO) to increase awareness and funding toward the worldwide eradication of Malaria. Malaria is a serious issue that kills an African child every 60 seconds. But it is feasibly preventable, as the disease has successfully been eradicated in over 100 countries.

During the early 1950′s, Malaria was successfully eradicated in the United States Despite this progress toward defeating the virus, more than half of the world’s population is still at risk of catching Malaria, and nearly 600,000 innocent die every year to the virus.

The WHO estimated that in 2012 alone, Malaria caused an estimated 627,000 deaths, 90% of the accounted deaths occurring in Africa. In the same year, roughly 460,000 African children did not live to see their fifth birthday.

There is a great humanitarian effort underfoot and has been for years as concerned citizens and scientists around the world join in to help the fight. Since the discovery of the virus, four Nobel Peace Prizes have been awarded for research helping to stop the spread of Malaria, the last prize awarded to Paul Hermann Müller in 1948. This global effort to find a cure has helped lower the threat of the virus dramatically.

Malaria still kills at an alarming rate, but thanks to the efforts of the WHO, Malaria death rates have decreased approximately 42% globally since 2000. This means that there are nearly 200,000 fewer deaths per year. We are making progress and you can join in that fight.

Thanks to Mosquito Squad’s fundraising support, Mosquito Squad has already saved over 100,000 lives already, and has taken an initiative (titled “Dread’s Challenge”) to save an additional 250,000 lives over the next 3 years.

We did this with the help of our national Mosquito Squad franchise owners who donate yearly through an initiative by Malaria No More called The Power of One. One dollar can save one life. A treatment pack of 6 pills will cure a person infected with Malaria – just one dollar. To donate as little as $10, visit Mosquito Squad’s swatmalaria.net. Your contribution goes directly to Malaria No More to fight the bite. Or, you can contribute as little as $1 through the Malaria No More Power of One website.

Together we can help to eliminate Malaria.

Mosquito Squad of Columbia is on a mission to assist with the effort to end Malaria and is making a donation on behalf of every single customer that signs up for season service in 2014.  At Mosquito Squad of Columbia our goal is to donate $5,000 to the cause. We can all help – one child at a time.