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Fall Is Here! Unfortunately, So Are the Mosquitoes...

Posted by Mosquito Squad

September 23, 2018

Fall is finally here. Great! What do you imagine when you think of fall? Do you think of cooler nights and shorter days? Do you imagine hot cocoa and enjoying relaxing nights by the firepit? If you live in Columbia, you more than likely know that cooler days probably won’t arrive until middle to late November. Additionally, the temperatures will remain favorable for mosquito activity probably longer into the end of the year. If you’d prefer that your backyard cookouts and fall evenings weren’t inundated by pesky, biting mosquitoes, call Mosquito Squad of Columbia today at (803) 219-8621!

With all the tailgating parties and fall get-togethers ahead of us, it’s important to ensure that you, your family and your guests aren’t targets for mosquitoes. Remember, warm weather and precipitation allow for mosquitoes to breed. Once the larvae have taken flight they’ll be on the hunt for their first meal. If you have standing water in your yard, then those mosquitoes that are searching for their first meal will most likely target you, your family or even your pets. Don’t forget, mosquitoes can also transmit deadly pathogens to your pets as well (i.e. heartworms).

Once the weather finally becomes somewhat endurable here in Columbia, don’t you want to be able to enjoy it to the fullest? Don’t let mosquitoes take your yard and patio from you. With Mosquito Squad of Columbia, we’ll help you take your yard back. So long as you have The Squad on your side, you won’t have to worry about mosquitoes taking the fun out of your outdoor events this fall. After all, it’s Gamecocks football season and we’d prefer to have our gameday cookout uninterrupted by annoying, pesky biting mosquitoes.

To see how quickly Mosquito Squad of Columbia can remove mosquitoes from your yard, call us today at (803) 219-8621 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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