Coming on Strong: Concerns About the Asian Tiger Mosquito Continue to Mount
Posted by Mosquito Squad
June 14, 2012
The Asian tiger mosquito is not only a known vector of mosquito-borne illnesses, but is also very aggressive in its nature and is also aggressive in how quickly the species is spreading. Since its ill-fated arrival in 1985 in a shipment of used tires from Asia bound for Texas, the mosquito is quickly becoming an invasive threat to the United States and other countries as well. The species continues to permeate our ports via the tire trade scattering this vector around the globe at a dangerously pace. For developing countries the surge of disease-carrying mosquitoes could be very dangerous. Malaria was once pandemic but has been completely eradicated in the United States and other countries. However, developing countries don’t have the resources available to fight a vector that is growing at such an alarming rate worldwide as the Asian Tiger mosquito.
A recent article from the National Institutes of Health and published by the US National Library of Medicine pointed out that the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus), is currently the most invasive mosquito in the world. It is very important medically because of the aggressive manner in which it feeds, and the fact that it also feeds during the day unlike other mosquitoes. It is also responsible for transmitting many mosquito-borne viruses such as LaCrosse Encephalitis, West Nile Virus and Dengue Fever. The global tire trade is constantly introducing additions to the already mounting Asian tiger population. These international tire deliveries are harboring the Asian tigers eggs hidden within the tires, a continuous cycle of potential disease ready to hatch.
A Genetic Algorithm for rule-set production (GARP) has been put in place to determine the ecological niche of the Asian tiger and predict the global ecological risk map for the continued spread of this mosquito species. Although, this method seems quite complicated it is really quite simple. By combining this analysis with the risk associated with the importation of tires arriving from countries already infested with this mosquito, and the countries that have already been invaded, the NIH is able to come up with a list of countries most at risk for future introduction to the species.
Although we can’t control the transport of Asian Tiger Mosquito eggs in a global economy, we can control the breeding of this mosquito in our own backyard.
There are a number of ways to greatly reduce your chances of reproduction of the Asian tiger mosquito on your property. Mosquito Squad has compiled a simple checklist of the 5T’s to mosquito-proofing your backyard. Along with no-nonsense precautions this list includes having your yard professionally treated to eradicate and control the spread of mosquitoes. Mosquito Squad of Columbia offers a season-long deterrent for all mosquitoes trying to make your backyard their lair. From our safe and highly effective mosquito barrier treatment program to our automatic mosquito misting systems we can keep the mosquitoes population from spreading in your neck of the woods. Contact us today to learn more, and keep in mind Asian tiger mosquito control and prevention begins with you.