CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

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Mosquito Squad Makes Summer Dreams Reality

Posted by Mosquito Squad

April 11, 2018

The close of winter is often punctuated with a trip to the South, as mid-west families tired of cabin fever, seek a reprieve through sunshine and outdoors over spring break. Many families in the Cincinnati/NKY area have recently returned from this annual migration, geared up for the warm weather ahead. The patio furniture is beginning to come out of storage, garden centers and nurseries are sprouting new life and the smell of a cookout feels just around the corner. With this come daydreams of lingering sunsets, enjoyed while relaxing with a cold beverage in hand and laughing children chasing the family pet around the back yard. Ohioans and Kentuckians look forward to these warmer months and the freedom found in open spaces; the ultimate expression of summer.

After months in-doors, it is easy to forget the change of season also brings with it a ravenous and biting group of tiny nuisances that build in April and taper off in Fall. The hot and humid weather is a dream come true for mosquitoes. Perhaps it is much like our own populated spring breaks to places like Hilton Head or Disney World…except in reverse these insect families are emerging from the underground and are biting to inhabit our backyards.

Without proper prevention, the return of mosquitoes can turn excitement for summer into a nightmare filled with mosquito bites – or worse yet, concern for the diseases transmitted by these blood-suckers. The World Health Organization (WHO) highlighted the risks of mosquito diseases such as the West Nile virus, with a slogan in 2014: “small bite, big threat.”

Don’t be a captive in your home this summer. Protect your family and property with this checklist of how to get rid of mosquitoes:
- Eliminate standing water to prevent mosquitoes from breeding
- Make sure the screens on your windows are in good shape 
- Repair and seal your septic system
- Treat swimming pools
- Keep plastic toys indoors when not in use

While many rely on mosquito repellent to decrease likelihood of getting bit, protection doesn’t only come in the form of chemicals applied to the body. Since 2014 the Mosquito Squad of Cincinnati has been offering barrier treatments that eliminate mosquitoes, ticks and other outdoor pests, enabling you and your family to go “free range” around the yard.

Heather W., a customer from Loveland, OH, shares the benefits she and her family have experienced using Mosquito Squad’s service: “Before I was introduced to Mosquito Squad, my family would be covered with bites after playing in our yard. Now they hardly get any at all! And I really notice when they play at the neighbors and they come home scratching and complaining of the mosquito bites they have all over their body….it is one of the ways I know the this is really working!” Environmentally, Mosquito Squad is focused on providing the most effective mosquito control in the safest manner – something that matters to families. Heather W. adds: “I love that my kids can go out back whenever they want AND without the hassle of having to put a sticky bug repellent on.”

Mosquito Squad offers outdoor control services for mosquitoes and ticks including:
Barrier Treatments – to keep mosquitoes under control, a barrier treatment is applied around home and yard every 21 days to decrease yard mosquito population by 85-90%. 
Natural Mosquito Control – for those looking for a more natural route, there are also natural mosquito repellents for the yard and control solutions made from essential oils to fight against mosquitoes for up to 2 weeks.
Misting Systems – for those who need a more intensive treatment, there are automatic misting systems that can be installed onto a property that automatically mist for 30 seconds 2-4 times a day when mosquitoes are most active.
Event Treatments – Don’t let bugs ruin a special event! You can ensure guests will enjoy the outdoors, without annoyance of bites, with a barrier treatment administered 24-48 hours before the event.

Make your summer dreams a reality and free yourself from bug bites, contact Mosquito Squad today for a free consultation.

Click here for current Mosquito Squad offers.