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Chicago Pets Deserve a Mosquito- and Tick-Free Life!

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 19, 2023

Do your pets come in from your Chicago yard every summer with ticks and mosquitoes matted in their fur? This common problem is a severe issue that requires working with a local mosquito exterminator and tick-management specialist. Finding professional mosquito abatement in Chicago will help your beloved pets avoid serious health issues that may otherwise affect them.

Chicago: Your Pets Deserve Better Tick and Mosquito Control

Did you know that mosquitoes can spread West Nile Virus and other dangerous diseases to your poor pets, or that ticks can spread Lyme disease and other conditions? These problematic health conditions can affect not only their development but threaten their lives. Even worse, your pet may spread these conditions to you and your loved ones and threaten your well-being as well.

What can you do in this situation? First, contact a local mosquito control company in Chicago to get the best local mosquito control service possible. When you work with a mosquito abatement company like Mosquito Squad of Chicago, you help your pets and yourself and prevent disease spread. Just as significantly, a mosquito abatement contractor may help make your yard more comfortable for outdoor parties.

Help Keep Your Pets Safe This Year With Mosquito Squad of Chicago

Preventing ticks and mosquitoes from biting your pets and your family requires a local mosquito control team you can trust. At Mosquito Squad of Chicago, we provide a great mosquito treatment, alongside multiple tick-management methods. Our techniques include a traditional mosquito barrier that helps to keep mosquitoes and ticks out of your yard for 21 days.

However, we also offer an natural mosquito treatment plan that takes care of your mosquito problem using natural oils. These barriers help to provide long-lasting mosquito protection by making your yard unappealing to mosquitoes and ticks and keeping them out of your area for 21 days after each treatment plan.

However, you can also use our mosquito treatment and tick-management tools like our automatic misting system, commercial treatments (for apartments and other businesses), and even our tick tubes. Our tick tubes provide tick-focused methods that work well alongside our mosquito control methods for your pets. We can combine all these treatment methods to take care of your tick and mosquito problem.

Schedule repeat treatments with our team, including regular care options during the worst tick and mosquito egg-laying seasons. Taking this situation into your hands can help ensure that these pests stay out of your yard and your pets for good.

Contact Us Today to Get Help

Do you want mosquito protection from a mosquito eliminator who understands your Chicago needs? Then please get in touch with Mosquito Squad of Chicago at (877) 332-2239 to get a good mosquito treatment  that works for your needs. Our backyard mosquito protection will help keep you and your family safe from these dangers.

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