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Chicago Area Mosquito Protection

Posted by Mosquito Squad

May 28, 2024

Nearly everyone has experienced the irritation of mosquito bites, which often cause redness and itching due to an allergic reaction to the mosquito's saliva. Mosquitoes are especially ubiquitous in the warmer months, which here in Chicago means before Memorial Day until after Labor Day, if not longer. 

Beyond mere discomfort, certain mosquitoes carry and transmit severe diseases and viruses, posing serious health risks. In the United States, while many of the over 200 types of mosquitoes are mainly nuisances, about 12 varieties are known to spread harmful germs to humans and animals both. Local authorities monitor these mosquito populations and their potential disease transmission closely, but an outbreak can occur at any time. It's important to do what you can to help protect yourself, your family, and even your pets – as well as the greater community – against mosquitoes.

Mosquito-Borne Diseases in Chicago

Even in the United States, there are species of mosquitoes that have been known to spread diseases, and Chicago is no exception. West Nile virus is a common concern in the continental US, but outbreaks of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika virus have also occurred in certain states and territories.

There are some illnesses that are long thought to be defeated in the United States and that can still present a problem. Malaria, once prevalent in the US, could potentially return due to the presence of Anopheles mosquitoes, known malaria carriers, in many areas. While local outbreaks are rare and a vaccine does exist, people who have traveled out of the country recently should be concerned with the possibility of importing the disease. 

Special Precautions for Pet Owners

Even though mosquito-borne diseases affecting humans are rare in the United States, there are plenty of issues that affect hundreds of pets and animals daily. Canine heartworm, a potentially fatal parasite spread by mosquitoes, infects millions of dogs each year. Treatment is possible, but it is costly, and if the disease isn't caught early enough, it may cause severe lung damage.  Mosquitoes can also be carriers of viruses like Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) and West Nile Virus (WNV), both of which affect dogs as well as horses and cats. These viruses can cause flu-like symptoms, neurological problems, and even death in severe cases.  Protecting your pets from mosquito bites is vital for their health and well-being. By implementing effective mosquito control measures, you can extend the life of your furry companions.

How to Protect Against Mosquitoes in Chicago

Mosquitoes bite humans and animals because the females need our blood to feed their offspring. These offspring, which require water to survive, can number in the hundreds per clutch, and need only days to mature into adults. If mosquitoes can make a home in your backyard, just a few mosquitoes can turn to thousands and even millions in the space of a few weeks.

Because the eggs and larvae must be raised in water, mosquitoes seek out sources of standing water to breed. Large puddles are an obvious contender, but smaller sources are often missed - even a bottle cap that has caught a bit of rainwater is enough to sustain many mosquito larvae. That's why it's so important to regularly and carefully get rid of any standing water in your yard.

Here's a great list of other mosquito protection strategies:

  • Empty and scrub containers like tires, buckets, planters, and birdbaths weekly to remove mosquito eggs.
  • Tightly seal buckets, cisterns, and rain barrels to prevent mosquito access. For open containers, use mesh with holes smaller than a mosquito.
  • Minimize standing water in tree holes and repair cracks or gaps in septic tanks. Cover vents and pipes with mosquito-proof mesh.
  • Remove clutter under furniture, patios, and carports where mosquitoes like to rest.
  • Surround your yard with mosquito-repellent plants like citronella, peppermint, cedar, or lemongrass.
  • Help natural mosquito hunters like birds, frogs, lizards, and bats thrive by hanging bird houses and bat houses and keeping cats indoors. 
  • Regularly check screens on rainwater tanks and water storage and fix them immediately if there's a hole.
  • Apply mosquito repellent containing picaridin or DEET to exposed skin when outdoors.
  • Use fans on patios and decks when you're spending time outdoors to create a breeze that discourages mosquitoes from flying too close.

Partner With Mosquito Squad for Mosquito Protection

The most foolproof way to get rid of mosquitoes is to use professional pest control services. At Mosquito Squad, our signature protective barrier treatment helps make your yard a mosquito no-go zone. Our technicians also pay special attention to areas where mosquitoes most like to congregate for extra defense. In addition to our barrier treatment, we have a natural treatmentspecial event sprays, and even automatic misting systems. With Mosquito Squad, you can choose the best way to keep mosquitoes from bothering you and your family.

A free quote is just a phone call or a click away: call us at (630) 556-8315 or contact us online today!

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