Tick Removal

Family enjoying a backyard barbecue: A man is grilling food on a barbecue, while a woman and a young girl prepare the table


Tick activity has been steadily increasing over the last few years, especially in the Chicago suburban area. You’ve probably already seen a tick this season, while at a park or forest preserve. You may have even started to notice them in your own backyard in Bolingbrook. Many people aren’t aware that ticks reproduce and hibernate underground during the winter. Ticks aren’t especially picky though, they begin waking up when temperatures exceed 45 degrees. Generally speaking though, the longer the winter, the greater the tick population will be the following season. And we have had some long winters the past few years, which have given ticks extra time to increase in population. Winter isn’t the only factor in tick activity though. Your Bolingbrook yard could unknowingly be the perfect place for ticks to thrive. Ticks prefer shady areas, especially tall grass, and around fences or brick walls. Make sure to keep your lawn cut short and to throw out any clippings. Locate compost piles away from high traffic areas and separate them with gravel or woodchips. These will assist in eliminating tick’s favorite hiding places.


When it comes to avoiding ticks, there are a few misperceptions concerning how they attach onto prey. Ticks are flightless bugs, they neither have wings, nor do they jump. They also do not climb trees and then fall onto the heads of unsuspecting victims. Ticks hunt for prey by climbing tall grass and then latching onto creatures as they brush past. Ticks tend to prey on ground creatures, specifically mice and deer, which make up a majority of their meals. To better avoid ticks when walking through tall grass areas, tuck your pant legs into your socks or boots, and tuck your shirt into your pants. Always thoroughly check for ticks after trekking through tick territory. Ticks begin to be active when temperatures exceed a mere 45 degrees. Also keep in mind that when a tick bites, you won’t feel it like a mosquito bite or most other bug bites. Ticks secrete a mild pain killer making them go largely unnoticed when they first attach, and also keeping them from all but visual detection while feeding. Unlike mosquitoes, ticks don’t just bite and then move on. In general, ticks will feed on a single host for days at a time if undiscovered. The best way to combat ticks is through use of Mosquito Squad’s trademark barrier sprays which will both kill and repel ticks at your property in Bolingbrook, IL.


At Mosquito Squad of Chicago, our primary solution for exterminating ticks is through regular application of our signature barrier sprays at your home in Bolingbrook, IL. Each treatment remains effective for 14-21 days and not only exterminates, but also repels ticks. Additionally, our barrier sprays effectively protect against a number of other dangerous pests, like mosquitoes and fleas. We offer an natural barrier treatment option for minimal invasiveness to the environment. Every one of our barrier treatment formulas are registered with, and approved by the EPA. We are recognized nationwide as experts in backyard pest control, and customer service professionals. Our top priority, at Mosquito Squad of Chicago, is your protection against Lyme and other tick borne diseases.


Unlike mosquitoes, ticks don’t just bite and then move on. It is important to deal with ticks as quickly as possible as they tend to feed on a single host for hours, days, or even weeks. The longer a tick feeds on a host, the greater chance that the tick will transmit a disease. To safely remove a tick from your body you can use a tick remover, or a pair of sanitized tweezers. Start by firmly gripping the head of the tick with the tweezers, then pull straight up. To ensure successful tick removal, try to avoid twisting or jerking. If the mouth parts of the tick rip apart in the process just use the tweezers to remove the rest of the tick. Then clean and sanitize the bite area, as well as your hands. After removing a tick it is important to dispose of it correctly, never crush a tick with your hands. Dispose of it by putting it in a sealed bag or container, or submersing it in alcohol. Avoid ‘home remedies’ like applying heat, nail polish, or any other substance in an attempt to get the tick to detach. If you find a tick, don’t wait for it to finish its meal, removing it should be priority number one.


Humans are not the sole target for ticks however, they also tend to prey upon family pets, specifically dogs. When your dog or other pet goes outdoors, a tick could easily latch onto them, catching a ride right through your front door and into your home. It is important to check your pets for ticks after being outside. You should always check for ticks on dogs when you get home from a walk in the park, or even around the neighborhood. If you have pets that enjoy the outdoors, it is especially important to have a tick control plan in place for your home in Bolingbrook, IL. If left to feed, ticks can infect your pets with many of the same diseases that humans are susceptible to. Lyme disease in dogs is not uncommon, but Heartworm is most dangerous when it comes to dogs. Don’t wait for a tick to infect your dog or endanger your home, contact Mosquito Squad of Chicago to setup your plan for proactive protection throughout the season.

For professional tick and mosquito control, give us a call at (630) 556-8315 or contact us online today.

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About Our Guarantee Cartoon 'Dread Skeeter' in white shirt and cargo pants with a mosquito fogger, ready for pest control.
Two smiling Mosquito Squad technicians in green uniforms with backpack sprayers, ready for service in a residential area.

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