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Lyme Is on The Rise in Massachusetts… Let There Be No Question

Posted by Mosquito Squad

July 28, 2017

Lyme Is on The Rise in Massachusetts… Let There Be No Question

As if Lyme disease wasn’t a big enough problem already. We have mentioned several times this year the warm wet winter and spring have been fuel for the fire. However, the rise in the number of Lyme disease cases did not start just this year. WBUR online published a map of the percentage of growth of Lyme disease in the counties of Massachusetts, during their series of talks named Losing to Lyme.

The numbers are honestly staggering. The following are the percentage of increase in Lyme cases over the last 11 years for each county we service in the Central and North Shore regions (hold onto your hats folks, you may be shocked): Essex County +45.8%, Middlesex County +69.7%. Worcester +109.8%. Yes… in Worcester County, the number of cases of Lyme disease has more than doubled in approximately a decade. And what’s more is that the CDC believes only about ten percent of Lyme cases are actually reported, so the disease is actually far more prevalent than we really know.

Map showing Lyme disease rates in MA from 2005-2016.

Tick Control Requires Individual Commitments

This is just something that can’t be ignored. Essex County tick control is up to its residents. Middlesex County tick control is up to its residents. Worcester County tick control is up to its residents. Is this repetitive? Yes. Is this a big problem worth repeating? YES! Lyme disease affects people differently. Contracted from the deer tick, in its early stages, Lyme disease creates muscle and joint pain, rash, headaches, chills, and fatigue. It can be treated with an antibiotic. However, some people have far more severe reactions that include inflammation of the brain and spinal cord and often long term effects as explained on the CDC’s website.

So when we say that tick control is up to the people what do we mean? Let’s start with the 6 C’s of tick proofing your yard. Know the places that ticks like to hide in your yard and keep it clear of brush. Check your pets regularly and follow your vet’s recommendations on medication. Also be aware when you are out in nature. Deer ticks live in wooded areas and areas of tall grass. Dress in light colors and check yourself when you come home. Put your clothes in a hot dryer for 30 minutes after a hike in the woods. Use insect repellent, preferably the kind with DEET or permethrin. Keep the ticks off so that you don’t bring them home.

Mosquito Squad of Chelmsford & Cambridge wants to help take responsibility for tick control in Essex, Middlesex, and Worcester counties to lower the number of cases of Lyme disease. It’s important to us because we live here too. With one call from you, we can eliminate 85-90% of ticks in your yard on contact with our barrier treatment. It will continue to work for up to 3 weeks, but we suggest scheduled sprays throughout the season. Working even harder to eliminate not only this year’s tick population but also next year’s we suggest implementing our tick tube system. This system fights ticks in mice dens as larvae, never allowing them out to contract the disease themselves. Our tick problem here is severe, there is just no denying it, so let’s all do our part in fighting to take our yards back from these pests. Call us today at (978) 381-4028 and we will answer your questions and schedule your first treatment.