Mosquito Types

Posted by Mosquito Squad

May 26, 2010

There are three types of mosquitoes that are classified on where they lay their eggs. While habitat association with many species is specific, others thrive in a variety of situations. The identification of the species sometimes makes is difficult

1. Permanent Pool

Females of this group deposit their eggs on the surface of water, usually within areas of aquatic vegetation or floating plant debris. These species hatch continuously throughout the warmer seasons. Permanent pool mosquitoes generally have a limited flight range; they usually don’t fly much more than a mile from the hatching site. They prefer to feed at dusk and several hours into the night.

Control of these species is done here in the Tennessee Valley by TVA raising and lowering the river and lake levels to dry out and/or drown the eggs.

Mosquito Species include the Anopheles punctipennis (Common Malaria Mosquito), Coquillettidia perterbans (Salt and Pepper Mosquito) and Culex erraticus.

2. Floodwater (Temporary Pool)

These mosquitoes deposit eggs in damp soil at the water line. Not all eggs hatch at the same time, this is called installed hatching. Most species have extended flight range and will fly several miles for a blood meal. They feed on humans and other animals and are active at all hours; but are most active at dusk and dawn.

Ditching and proper drainage practices will help to control these species

Mosquitoes in this in this type include Ochlerotatus Canadensis (Gallinipper), O. trivittatus (Irritating Mosquito), Psorophora columbia (Dark Rice Field Mosquito), P. ferox (Woodland Mosquito) and Aedes vexans.

3. Container Mosquitoes

Container mosquitoes deposit eggs either on the water surface or at the water line in water filled containers. These species have a limited flight range due to the breeding habits of laying eggs in pet bowls, tires, flower pots, neglected pools and hot tubs. In the Tennessee Valley, these species are the most important disease vectors.

To help with mosquito control of these species, the 5T method is appropriate: 1. TIP out any standing water 2. TOSS anything that holds water 3. TURN over anything that holds water 4. Eliminate any TARPS 5. TREAT your property for mosquitoes

Container species include Aedes albopictus (Asian Tiger Mosquito), Culex quinquefasciatus (Southern House Mosquito), C. salinarius (Unbanded Salt Marsh Mosquito) Ochlerotatus triseriatus (Eastern Tree Hole Mosquito)and C. restuans.